Friday, March 3, 2023

US Air Force Breaks Derelict Ship In Half With A Single 2,000 Pound 'Quicksink' Bomb Dropped By A F-15E Strike Eagle During An Exercise


Daily Mail: A shot over China's bows? Incredible moment Air Force breaks ship IN HALF with a single 2,000 pound 'quicksink' bomb dropped by F-15E Strike Eagle with 'torpedo-like' accuracy 

* The bomb, a JDAM, tested in the video is called the Quicksink because of the rate at which it sinks ships 

* The JDAM is a relatively inexpensive way to convert unguided bombs into all-weather precision-guided munitions 

* An F-15E Strike Eagle fighter launched the modified bomb, successfully striking the target by detonating a GPS-navigated bomb underneath the vessel 

Recently released footage shows the decimation of a cargo ship by a 2,000 pound Joint Direct Attack Munition dropped by the Air Force from an F-15E Strike Eagle. 

In the roughly one-minute video taken last April, an old, derelict cargo ship - the Courageous - is seen floating in the Gulf of Mexico.

Moments later a JDAM approaches from above and the Courageous is literally lifted out of the water and split in half, as waves begin to crash on the decks.  

Read more ....  

Update: Watch the Air Force sink a ship very quickly (Popular Science) 

WNU Editor: That cargo ship did not have a chance.


Dakota Wood said...

The cargo ship wasn't shooting back. Nor did it have a screening force.

Anonymous said...

old.. was posted months ago

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is your point here? Since all adversary navies have defences the US should stop making missiles? Fuck off

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Angy not here

Anonymous said...

No that was not the point. Point was that this was a fixed target sitting duck type of situation under the best possible circumstances.

Is is a valid assertion. Yes. But does it bely the effectiveness of the bomb? Not really. But it does make the point that the bomb is only as good as the AC carrying it and the courage/ ability of the pilot behind the stick.

Anonymous said...

It means that those Iranian naval ships , which are converted cargo ships or oil tankers are 1 bomb, 1 hit and sunk.

2 bombs and Iran's excellent adventure in the South Atlantic comes to an end if war breaks out.

Anonymous said...

was that ship insured?