Friday, March 3, 2023

US Army Secretary Says US Is Preparing To Win A War Against China Over Taiwan

U.S. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth  

VOA: US Army Secretary Lays Out Strategy for War with China  

Washington — The Biden administration official with direct responsibility for the U.S. Army laid out in surprising detail this week a multi-pronged strategy for deterring, and if necessary, prevailing in any future war with China. 

“I personally am not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent,” U.S. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on Monday. “But we obviously have to prepare, to be prepared to fight and win that war.” 

Elements of the plan include placing more troops in Asia and arming them with upgraded equipment, including ship-to-shore vessels and hypersonic weapons, much of which will be pre-positioned in the region.  

Read more .... 

US Army Secretary Says US Is Preparing To Win A War Against China Over Taiwan  

US Army Secretary Says US Preparing to Win a War With China Over Taiwan --  

China Will Attack U.S. Soil if Tensions Boil Over: Army Secretary -- Newsweek  

The time is now to prepare for China conflict, Army leaders say -- Defense News  

US Army Official Unveils Key Strategies to Win Potential War With China -- Defense Post


Anonymous said...

The woke mind virus made my wife leave me for a lesbian coven.

Anonymous said...

So sick of these fuckers

Roger29palms said...

When do these silly political appointees hand out the full details to include time, date, units involved, etc.? This hot air has been a standard for decades. Why not try a new approach such as let the bad guy find out too late? Talk's cheap. Actions speak louder than words.etc.

Anonymous said...

Great. The US has a blonde woman as Secretary of the Army. Our enemies are shaking in their boots...

Anonymous said...

Anoher clueless Dimmocrat Lesbian loser. No clue whats happening as she destroys the Army from within.

Anonymous said...

9:16, have you ever studied the history of witchcraft? Anyone, who has & sees your comment, regards it as lame. Try a little harder 'lil dude.

Anonymous said...

Ok I will bite. What the hell does that comment have to do with

the history of witchcraft?

Anonymous said...

10:09, did you bother to read her cv?

I am not impressed, but that is just me. I am not impressed with masters in public policy degrees or many poly-sci majors.

She initially spent almost 9 years as a GS in the DoD. then she went to think thanks and later was in previous Democrat admins. Think tanks are a hit and miss as to whether they are good or just a bull pen for apparatchiks.

Her husband is in the reserves. I regard that as a plus on the face of it. It could be a negative, but I would think she would want to keep it real. Otherwise, hubby might be hors de combat or give her dressing down in private. I'd give it a+1 or +5 without review. With review like I said it could be a negative or more than +5.

A person can be in the military and be a complete nut job and a sell out. Senator Mark Kelly is such a specimen. Him and his wife are cozy with China.

Anonymous said...

"Ok I will bite. What the hell does that comment have to do with the history of witchcraft?"

Coven: noun

1.) an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen.

9:16 AM was boring, shallow and obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I am 99.999% onboard with Roger.

Sometimes you have to speak out to let it be known that you are determined to reassure the public and to deter the enemy. It can & does work.

However the former is often times more of a spin operation to shape polling.

With the latter, if they pay attention to what you do and not what you say and look mostly at the correlation of forces, speaking a lot and doing little is an invitation to aggression and war.

Seriously, the Biden administration and others are not doing enough. If they were, they would match Russia's production rate of ammo. They have not. I conclude they do not get it or are still more focused on the near enemy than the far enemy.

Anonymous said...

Got it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

time to stop dumping your scared-of-women shit and incompetence of this and that one: Gen Grant was a failure most of his time prior to being put in charge of the Northern military...then, he had a serious drinking problem, and of the greatest generals we ever had.

Anonymous said...

ah, welcome back! Missed you. You are a sound and welcome voice when we want to learn of the Russian position on all things Putinesque, with a dash of vodka pissed on top for reminders of slavic dna

Anonymous said...

Jeepers!!!! is there anyone with ANY sense in the US Gov.????

Anonymous said...

10:46 (Former Retired Bullshitter)

I dumped on Wormuth due to her miseducation. That is my opinion of those degrees and if you do not like it, you shove it.

Another reason is that she was in the Obama administration. You are judged by the company you keep and she was in very disreputable company. Obama is the shithead who refused to fight ISIS in a meaningful way until Putin stepped up. Obama, The Terrible, literally dropped leaflets on ISIS. Obama, The Worthless, refused to help the Kurds, who were getting killed in a genocidal campaign by ISIS until the Battle of Kobane and public opinion went against him.

PS: I am married to a very strong woman, who is multilingual and a professional. they were so good at their job they were invited to join a certain organization. I've looked up your CV and it was rather lacking.

Anonymous said...

you looked up what? lacking?
and yours? night shift, fast food joint

Anonymous said...

124 lists a graphic novel that no one read about easy young women as an accomplishment in his cv

Nomen Clature said...

can you cite that by its name and where you found it...and then list your accomplishments.
easy enough to dumb bullshit so long as you use anon to cloak what and who you are.

Anonymous said...

I cited my reasons why I did not like Wormuth. Apparently, you do not want to go there.

So let's go where you want to go. did you graphic novel entail a paycheck or was it self published?

Did you have to hawk them at a swingers convention to get any sales?

Will the Library of congress be keeping a copy because of its intrinsic value?

Anonymous said...

Well 6:27. if you are 10:46 and a former educator, then you now exactly what I meant. So piss in your cheerios and eat them.