Wednesday, March 8, 2023

US Intelligence Officials Tell The New York Times That Pro-Ukraine Groups And Russian Nationals Responsible For Nord Stream Pipeline Attacks


Reuters: New intelligence points to pro-Ukraine group in Nord Stream attack -NYT  

(This March 7 story has been corrected to clarify that German media reported that the alleged perpetrators of the attacks used a yacht hired by a Poland-based company, in paragraph 16 ) 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukraine group - likely comprised of Ukrainians or Russians - attacked the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September, but there are no firm conclusions, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. 

There was no evidence that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy or other Ukrainian government officials were behind the attacks which spewed natural gas into the Baltic Sea, the newspaper reported, citing U.S. officials.

 Reuters could not independently verify the report. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine is denying these reports .... Ukraine denies involvement in Nord Stream pipeline blasts (BBC). More here .... Ukrainian government denies involvement in Nord Stream pipelines sabotage (CNN), and here .... Ukraine responds to fresh Nord Stream allegations (RT). 

Russia is calling the New York Times story a hoax .... New Nord Stream reports look like 'coordinated hoax' – Moscow (RT). More here .... Russian MFA says West uses tactic of leaks in Nord Stream issue, but truth will prevail (TASS), here .... US media leaks on Nord Stream sabotage intended only to confuse — Russian embassy (TASS), and here .... "Coordinated Media Hoax Campaign" - Russia Blasts NYTimes Report On Nord Stream "Monstrous Crime" (Zero Hedge). 

US Intelligence Officials Tell The New York Times That Pro-Ukraine Groups And Russian Nationals Responsible For Nord Stream Pipeline Attacks  

Intelligence officials suspect Ukraine partisans behind Nord Stream bombings, rattling Kyiv’s allies -- Washington Post  

US intelligence sees 'pro-Ukraine group' behind Nord Stream sabotage: report -- AFP  

Officials believe pro-Ukraine group may have sabotaged Nord Stream – reports -- The Guardian  

Intelligence suggests pro-Ukrainian group sabotaged pipeline: New York Times -- The Hill 

US intelligence says pro-Ukraine group behind Nord Stream pipeline attacks: report -- FOX News  

US intelligence report blames 'pro-Ukraine' group for blowing up Nord Stream gas pipelines -- ABC News Australia 

Pro-Ukraine Group Sabotaged Pipelines, Intelligence Suggests-NYT -- Insider


Anonymous said...

It was two guys with red hats and an orange man 100% .

RussInSoCal said...

If the Russians wanted to cut off the Nord Stream pipeline, they could've just turned the valve off. ...which is located in Russia.

Anonymous said...

Drones make costs of waging war cheaper. It could be Ukraine. Considering the track record of the CIA, FBI and Biden with the truth, I will not accept this explanation. Need more information.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother says the US was not responsible for the Nordstream attacks--it was Russia! Better believe Big Brother, if you know what I mean. Those who speak against the official line on the Nordstream attacks will be noted and dealt with in due time.

Big Brother said...

5:35 We need to see you. Can you step into my office please.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainians do not have the skill sets in planning , logistics or execution to do this. This was the United States or the Brits. I said months ago the I think it was the British. Their SAS and SBS units are about the best you will find. In the past, The US has called on the Brits to do missions for them. Why? plausible deniability, "we were not involved" and British laws structure, Brit law is much more conducive to hiding things.

Two other things.

The "it is done" text message by the Brit PM.

The Russians calling in the Russian Ambassador about two months ago to a special meeting.
It is speculated that this was about Nord stream.

Note: there was no followup press reports and no one has ever explained what topics were discussed.

Anonymous said...

Pulitzer Prize Award winning journalist Seymore Hersh said it was the USA and I believe Seymore Hersh.

Anonymous said...

Either way it was the "west"

Anonymous said...

Shut up and put your mask on and don’t forget to get the vaccine .

Anonymous said...

Hi all, hey I have this big bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cut rate only $500 million USD.

If interested please respond to this e-mail and I will send you my account numbber in the Bank of Bellorussia, Hurry, going fast.

if you believe this BS, we all know idiot Biden had it done on Obamas orders. Rememeber, Obummer hated Putin.

Anonymous said...

The anonymous us government official has read too many Alistair MacLean novels. According to Seymour Hersch it was a combined operation by US Navy divers placing explosives on the pipelines with Norwegian aircraft dropping sonobouys that sent signals that detonated the explosives, thus blowing up the Nordstream pipelines.

Anonymous said...

LOL they getting weirder and weirder as time passes what next?Aliens were responsible saw one with a light bulb head swimming away from the site