Thursday, March 2, 2023

US Wants Backing From Allies On Possible China Sanctions Over The Ukraine War


Reuters: Exclusive-US Seeks Allies' Backing for Possible China Sanctions Over Ukraine War -Sources 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States is sounding out close allies about the possibility of imposing new sanctions on China if Beijing provides military support to Russia for its war in Ukraine, according to four U.S. officials and other sources. 

The consultations, which are still at a preliminary stage, are intended to drum up support from a range of countries, especially those in the wealthy Group of 7 (G7), to coordinate support for any possible restrictions. 

 It was not clear what specific sanctions Washington will propose. The conversations have not been previously disclosed. The U.S. Treasury Department, a lead agency on the imposition of sanctions, declined to comment.  

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WNU Editor: The EU economy is still reeling from the sanctions they imposed on Russian resources. EU sanctions on China will create the perfect storm to not only to create shortages in many finished products that families need, but also the inflationary impact that it will have. 

So the big question is .... will the EU go down this ruinous economic road? 

My answer is yes. But at the beginning it will be limited in its scope.


Mr Nobody said...

Sanction the Chinese and it will have a high risk factor.

They will see this as a sovereignty issue.
As part of their history and cultural beliefs, they will take any sanctions against them as a personal affront.

You got to realize, the average American cannot remember past last month. The Chinese, they think 100-200 years ago was yesterday. The boxer rebellion, opium wars, occupation of the Shanghai delegation and Japanese aggression all weigh heavy on their collective memory.

They will see it as.: "once again the West is trying to". : Contain us, Deny us our rightful place, Dictate to us as a slave, determine our future, fence us in, limit our prosperity,

and last but not least.:

Impede and forestall China's rightful destiny.

We may think that is all BS. But it does not matter what we think. What they think will drive their reaction to any sanctions against them.

Will they do nothing?
Will they re-think their alliance with Russia?
Will they simply refrain supporting the Russians with armaments?
Will they have a fire sale on US treasures?
Will they even become more agitated/bellicose?
The options are wide open.

Anonymous said...

Chinese troops coming to a border near you. Shit, we can’t even stop Latino drug dealers at our borders, we’re screwed!

Anonymous said...

The empire lifting the revolver to it's own head. You love to see it. Enact the sanctions NOW!!

Anonymous said...
