Sunday, March 12, 2023

What To Expect After Iran And Saudi Arabia Agreed To Restore Ties


Al Jazeera: What to expect after Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties  

The deal could have wide-ranging consequences but building on it, analysts say, will prove the main challenge. 

Tehran, Iran – Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations in a China-brokered deal that could have wide-ranging consequences but building on it, analysts say, will prove the main challenge. 

The agreement signed in Beijing on Friday said the two countries’ foreign ministers will meet to discuss diplomatic missions within two months, marking the end of a seven-year rift. 

In Iran, the deal was generally welcomed, with senior officials praising it as a step towards reducing tensions and bolstering regional security. Conservative media outlets mainly focused on how the deal signalled a “defeat” for the United States and Israel.  

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Update: FACTBOX-Middle East flashpoints that could be affected by Saudi-Iran deal (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: I think the first thing that is going to happen is the start of talks between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis in Yemen to end the war. I expect this to happen in the coming weeks. 

 I also expect this rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia will lower Sunni - Shiite tensions in Iraq and Lebanon. 

The US military presence in Syria is soon going to be untenable as supply lines become tighter. I will be surprised if they are still there in two years. It also explains why General Milley was in Syria last week visiting US troops. The Pentagon must know that their troops are becoming more and more isolated. 

Turkey will need to respond to this new realignment in the Middle East. Turks go to the polls in two months. If Erdogan is re-elected for another term, he will definitely move to position his country to be more focused on what is happening in his backyard. The outcome from the ongoing Russia - Ukraine is important for Turkey, but this decision by Iran and Saudi Arabia is going to impact Turkey's vital strategic interests in Syria and Iraq. 

I also expect a de-escalation by Iran in its nuclear program. For Saudi Arabia to agree to this deal, they had to receive reassurances from China and Russia that Iran will limit (if not stop) its nuclear weapons program. Only time will tell if this will happen.


Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago or so there was a story about repprochement of Syria with the Gulf States. The Gulf States finance the rebellion against Assad. They are Arabs and there were pictures. It was more than for show.

Then Milley

Now this.

Of course the Biden Administration is going to give Blinken, Kerry and the rest end of the year bonuses. SVB is getting them, so why not Foggy Bottom?

DC knew 2 to 4 weeks ago thus was happening, but neglected to tell the voters, because they are the voters and tDV is hoping they will forget.

Anonymous said...

yep. probably they were too busy adjusting their stock portfolios