Sunday, March 12, 2023

Winners And Losers From The Decision Of Iran And Saudi Arabia To Restore Ties


Moon of Alabama: Mediated By China Iran And Saudi Arabia Restore Ties - There Are Winners And Losers 

This is huge!  

Regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties after years of tensions. 

The deal, which will see the two countries reopen embassies in each other’s capitals, was sealed during a meeting in China and announced Friday in a joint communique. 

Archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to restore diplomatic relations, a dramatic breakthrough brokered by China after years of soaring tensions between the regional rivals. 

The deal, which will see the two countries reopen embassies in each other’s capitals, was sealed during a meeting in China — a boost to Beijing’s efforts to rival the United States as a broker on the global stage. 

The agreement also may put a dampener Israel's ongoing efforts to normalize relations with its Arab neighbors. 

The talks were held because of a “shared desire to resolve the disagreements between them through dialogue and diplomacy, and in light of their brotherly ties,” according to a joint communique from Tehran, Riyadh and Beijing that was published by the Saudi Press Agency, the country’s official news agency. 

The agreement followed intensive negotiations between Ali Shamkhani, a close adviser to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni, and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban, according to the statement. 

It added that the foreign ministers from both countries would “meet to implement this, arrange for the return of their ambassadors, and discuss means of enhancing bilateral relations.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There is one more big winner in Iran and Saudi Arabia restoring ties that is becoming known. It is Russia.

Russia, because of its close ties to Iran, was apparently instrumental in nudging Iran to work with China to negotiate a rapprochement with Saudi Arabia. 

Another big winner will be BRICS. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran want to be formal members of BRICS. This will now make it possible. 

The big loser is Israel .... Saudi deal with Iran worries Israel, shakes up Middle East (AP). 

The US is another big loser. It isolates the US from the Middle East, undermines Iran sanctions, and further accelerates the move to an alternative reserve currency via through BRICS.


Anonymous said...

The US is another big loser.

Let's check. Yup, president is a Democrat.

But Kerry, Blinken and others get a gold star for effort.

Anonymous said...

I better think of big loosers who started the useless war in Ukraine. The biggessssssst looser of modern time

Anonymous said...

quick to blame the Dems as usual is a silly childish comment. Russia and China and Saudis acting in concert has nothing to do with Dems. If you think otherwise, show us your reasons, proof.

Anonymous said...

Iran is are declared enemy. Saudi Arabia, who was once our ally, is getting closer to Iran Russia and China. Bezos, Washington Post, Biden and other screwball Democrats went after the government of Saudi Arabia for the past few years.

That is more than enough proof Fred R. Lapides.

Anonymous said...

Well, it don't hurt!

Anonymous said...

White House says Biden’s meeting with Saudi officials next month will ‘include’ crown prince

How nice. Slow Joe met with the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia in summer 2022. Wanna et the condescending tone of all these American new s articles angered the ruler of Saudi Arabia.

So on one hand the American intelligentsia such as it is is condescending, On the other hand Lunchbox Joe was begging for oil. Good combo, huh!

Yup, Joe Biden shoved MBs into the arms of the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Well, it don't hurt!

Saudi Arabia, who was once our ally, is getting closer to Iran Russia and China.

Well, it don't hurt?

For reals?

Anonymous said...

How Biden Came Around to MBS’ Plan for a New U.S.-Saudi Partnership

- Politico Leftwinger, Archliberal rag

The inside story of how the administration came to slowly realize that Saudi Arabia was too valuable to keep at arm’s length.

At least the wingnuts at Politico got that right. The room temperature IQs at the White House were very slow, extremely slow to realize what everyone has known for almost a century, when Roosevelt met the king of Saudi Arabia on February 14, 1945.

Slow Joe had been in office half that time and he never got the memo.

Anonymous said...

Biden himself, as a candidate, had promised to punish the country and treat the Saudis “like the pariah they are”


Working with Iran, china, Russia, the gulf States, Pakistan, ...

If we look at the population of the countries, GDP of the countries and number of countries, those would be very large numbers.

Let's cut to the chase. There is an awful lot of hubris going around Washington and the rest of the country. Hey man, whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

The west is a pariah empire. 13% of the world's population isolates itself more and more with each passing week.

Anonymous said...

I usually find WNU Editor's comments on international politics, outside of Russia, to be interesting and insightful, but I don't understand what he is making out of this.

That China can broker a deal between Saudis and Iran is certainly an indication that its power and prestige is making it a player in the Middle East, and this shows the US will have a relative decline in its influence in that region. But that's about it. The US is certainly not "isolated." It will just have lower relative influence.

The Saudis and Iran will continue to remain rivals and enemies like they were prior to their severing of diplomatic relations seven years ago. Having embassies is pretty the minimum in international relations. This is just an indication that the two agree to lessen the tension. More importantly, we don't know what concessions any side gave to the other. Did both sides compromise, or is one clearly a winner? Don't know yet. But it is highly likely this is not a "rapprochement" or "realignment."

And WNU Editor for some reason has an inflated opinion about the BRICS. He seems to think it is actually some kind of alliance or association of mutual interests. Its not. It is a marketing term used by high finance to sell investments. These countries have no mutual interests as a group. They have wildly different political values, economic futures, trade relations, and geopolitical interests. The BRICS Summits exists merely to give photo ops for the leaders of those countries so they can pretend they are engaging in some important diplomacy to impress the rubes back home. Adding new members will only make it even more dysfunctional.
