Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Look At How China And Taiwan's Militaries Shape Up

Daily Mail: David vs. Goliath: How China and Taiwan's militaries shape up as Xi Jinping tells Beijing's troops to prepare for 'real combat' while Joe Biden claims US will defend the island from invasion 

China last weekend conducted large-scale military exercises which simulated a complete naval blockade of Taiwan - the latest in a string of aggressive war games. 

Beijing's military described the threatening exercises as a warning to the self-governing island nation, declaring in a statement: 'The theatre's troops are ready to fight at all times and can fight at any time to resolutely smash any form of ''Taiwan independence'' and foreign interference attempts.' 

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sees Taiwan as a renegade province to be brought back under Beijing's control - something the authoritarian president Xi Jinping has said he's willing to do by force.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A better question that should be asked is the following .... China Is Preparing For War; Is The US Ready? (Epoch Times).


Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden claims US will defend the island from invasion"

If Taiwan believes the back-stabbing Joe Biden, they deserve their fate. Biden stabbed his German allies in the back by ordering the destruction of the Nord II Pipelines bringing natural gas from Russia to Germany. Biden betrayed Afghanistan by running away from the Taliban and abandoning military equipment and allies. The drooling doddered and backstabbing Biden who took inappropriate showed with his own daughter (wh is now a drug addict) is the best the Dimocrats in the USA can do.

Anonymous said...

time you look at trump and cut your juvenile bs. Trump loves N.K. leader, China leader, Russian leader.
He is a failed guy, a loser who is sinking his party.

fazman said...

Again with Nord lol, oh mighty sooth sayer what other prediction bring thy forth

Anonymous said...

If the Taliban can beat the USA, then Taiwan is capable of beating China in the long run aswell.

Anonymous said...

Such blatant acts of terrorism really do poke a hole in the sheet of faux morality that you blanket your imperialism in. Bit inconvenient for winning internet arguments, huh?

Anonymous said...

Wrote about this in detail about 2 months ago. The Taiwanese and US have a 90% chance of losing that conflict.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Taiwan will not lose this easy war, but if the US gets in the middle then we will have North Korea, the greatest danger in the world is Korea, Biden is not retarded and if he is, remove him at the base of the ass please

Anonymous said...

In a full war of China Vs Taiwan. China wins but will they win the hearts and minds of Taiwan, no. Will Taiwan be able to do anything after the fact no. This is just a hunch but the only reason why we would step in, is because the resources that they provide.

Anonymous said...

Still war because of Taiwan is not beneficial for CN

What about asian arms deals with US?

I am thinking CN knows this and war is not worth it.

Just find a peaceful unification of Taiwan. if this happen, a strong CN peace keeping nation.