Wednesday, April 19, 2023

America's National Reconnaissance Office To Quadruple Satellites In Orbit By 2033

Bloomberg: Spy Satellite Agency Has Plans to Quadruple US Eyes in the Sky 

(Bloomberg) -- The US intelligence agency that develops and buys spy satellites plans a fourfold increase by 2033 in orbiting spacecraft like those now being used to monitor Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

“Within the next decade we expect to quadruple the number of satellites we currently have on orbit,” the National Reconnaissance Office, once a super-secret agency, said in a statement Wednesday. “These satellites — large and small, in multiple orbits” will collect and transmit “ten times as many signals and images as we’re getting now, and will engage a mix of government and commercial systems.” 

Competition for the lucrative Pentagon contracts to launch those satellites will pit billionaire Elon Musk’s SpaceX against the United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of top contractors Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. Blue Origin LLC, founded by Inc. Chairman Jeff Bezos, is also trying to qualify for military launches.  

Read more ....  

Update: SPACE SYMPOSIUM NEWS: NRO to Quadruple Satellites on Orbit Over Next Decade (National Defense)  

WNU Editor: Space is going to be a crowded place in the coming years.


Anonymous said...

And part of that will be to enable Big Brother to spy on US citizens in "thuh homesland"

Anonymous said...

So, the fastest air-breathing manned-air craft, the North American X-15, established the World record for fastest manned flight in 1967 -- 56 years ago, while NASA's unmanned X-43 reached Mach 9.6 back in 2004, almost 20 years ago.

Since then, not much.. but those are 20-60 year old World records. I bet the tic-tacs are ours or real Aliens. :D

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking. In 2033 the condition of the US, with the fall of the petrodollar, and the unsustainable debt levels of the nation, will be such that such a goal will be impossible.

Anonymous said...

Reusable rocketry should make it affordable for even second rate powers to build up a significant presence in orbit.