Sunday, April 16, 2023

Are Certain Nations And Global Business Interests Transferring Their Assets And Commitments Away From The U.S.?

The Hill: Is there a worldwide run on the Bank of the United States of America?  

In talking this week with a friend about the United States seemingly imploding from within across multiple sectors, my friend stressed: “It’s not just from within. There is a run on the United States from certain nations and business interests around the world. Just like there was a run on banks after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, many nations are either thinking about — or actually proceeding with — transferring at least a portion of their allegiance, assets and commitments from the ‘Bank of the U.S.’ to the ‘Bank of China’ or elsewhere.” 

This was not just some person sitting on a porch casually talking about current events while whittling a stick waiting for his Social Security or pension check to hit the mailbox. This was a former high-level U.S. government official, now a CEO, someone who sits on the boards of directors for multiple companies. He has massive real-world and business experience and believes the United State may be on the verge of collapse. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It was not only the financial and economic sanctions the US imposed on Russia that was a wake-up call for the global community on what the US could do if they run afoul of US policies, but it was also the US threatening countries and global business interests that they could be next if they continue to do business with Russia or Russia-linked businesses. 

No one wants their monies controlled in such a manner. Hence the move away from US banks and financial institutions.


Anonymous said...

In the last month Orr so an African country voted to ban its citizens from being able to identify as LGTBQ. I want to say Uganda. But immediately after that vote, the Biden administration was publicly threatening sanctions on the country. That decision to even consider sanctions on a country for voting on internal civil affairs goes to show just how radical and unreasonable the woke worshiping cult in Washington is. These people are literally religious fanatics. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be trying to get away from this mess.

Anonymous said...

Called it years ago.
Election was stolen.
US has been taken over by a globalist cabal out to destroy the US and its power, as well as moral authority, from within.
It's the old feudalists, who want to end freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms, i.e. they want you to be slaves again.
Either resist them, evict them from their offices, put them in prison, or they will do worse to you (and me).

Anonymous said...

The globalists overreach once again. But actually they don't even care, as long as their blueprint for the rest of the world remains more or less on track. WE are just fodder, useful idiots. They do not give a SHIT about us. But as long as their media puppets continue to feed the cultural and political divisions, WE are screwed. The wake up alarm will sound too late to save the republic Won't be pretty

Anonymous said...

^ yep
there won't be much left to save

Anonymous said...

So what half of the commenters last year had been saying would happen is happening. What a shocker.

Ron said...

the way our federal government treats others who don't bend the knee is no different then how they bully their own citizens who won't bend a knee.