Thursday, April 20, 2023

Are Chinese - American Relations In A Deep Freeze?

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and China’s President Xi Jinping attend a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, April 14, 2023 [Ricardo Stuckert/Handout via Reuters]  

New York Times: As Xi Befriends World Leaders, He Hardens His Stance on the U.S. 

China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, has rolled out the red carpet for President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva of Brazil, lauding him as “an old friend of the Chinese people.” He has sipped tea in a garden with President Emmanuel Macron of France, treating him to a performance of an ancient Chinese zither. And he has talked on the phone with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, offering well wishes for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 

But even as Mr. Xi has offered a glad hand to those and other world leaders in recent weeks, it has been only the cold shoulder for the United States. China has rebuffed attempts by the Biden administration to restart high-level talks and lower tensions over Taiwan. And Mr. Xi’s government has intensified a campaign of ridicule and criticism of the United States and Western democracy.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For the past few weeks China has been blocking US Secretary of State Blinken's request to travel to Beijing to talk to his counterpart on US - China relations .... China stalls US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's Beijing visit over US investigation into its 'spy balloon' (ABC News Australia). The Chinese reasons why are here .... Two-faced double-dealing of US leaves little room for dialogue: China Daily editorial. 

As to what is my take. 

My Chinese contacts tell me that there is no point to talk to the Biden administration right now. They are going to wait and hope that President Biden will be defeated in the 2024 Presidential election, and a new US administration with a new policy and approach towards China takes power. When I hear this my response has always been the same .... quoting Hillary Clinton .... 'hope is not a strategy".


Anonymous said...

Chinese mad because Biden didn't stay bribed and he's an ingrate for not doing as he was told after the Chinese helped put him in office with the wuhan virus.

Anonymous said...

There were two underground Chinese police stations busted one in Net York and the other California. The recent two in New York were arrested and set on bail bond 250,000 and the other 400,000 Both paid in full on the same day. Doj redacted the person who bailed them out.

Anonymous said...

New York.*

Anonymous said...

Underground chinese police station: AKA, a restaurant with chinese employees that posted memes making fun of the new red scare hysteria and the retards dim enough to fall for it.

No, but trust the FBI this time! They got it right this time! They're totally above board now! They wouldn't invent fake criminal charges for political reasons, they've got my best interests at heart.

No wonder they don't have anything to talk to us about lmao.

Hung Low said...

The editor is right:
Threaten Taiwan, and send ships and planes. But once GOP has the White House, give up any and all notions of invading Taiwan. But what if the Dems win the presidency?
Then it is ok to invade.

Sam said...

What US, China relations?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the businessmen keep doing business.

AZuLike said...

It's kind of hard to decipher what's true and what's not. We all know what the intelligence we receive maybe true or false it's up to use to figure the ladder. Me being not so Savey in intelligence why I come here to maybe get a understanding. I enjoy reading the reviews of others. Why I come here to maybe get a glimpse of what may to come. Then again, it's just a blog and I'm always learning.

Anonymous said...

poor Chinese no doubt want DJT back.
But then what after that 4 years. And after the next 4-8 years?