Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Backlash After Macron's Taiwan Comments And The Need For Europe To Stand Apart From The U.S.

Macron’s Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing © Jacques Witt/AP  

Washington Post: Macron's Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing 

BRUSSELS — More people are mad at French President Emmanuel Macron. 

 After weeks of protests over an unpopular pension overhaul plan at home, the French president now faces outrage from allies abroad over his chummy trip to China and remarks on the need for Europe to stand apart from the United States on Taiwan and other issues. 

The visit and its aftermath have angered politicians and analysts on both sides of the Atlantic, highlighting gaps between the U.S. and French approach to China, showcasing division within the Eropean Union — and probably delighting Beijing. 

The interview in question took place during a three-day visit to China that raised eyebrows for its surprisingly upbeat tone, considering that Beijing has yet to condemn Russia’s war in Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There has been a lot of reaction among lawmakers in the U.S. .... GOP lawmakers condemn French President Macron's 'betrayal' of Taiwan (Politico).  

Update: It looks like it .... France Has Already Surrendered To The Coming Conflict (Zero Hedge) 

Backlash After Macron's Taiwan Comments And The Need For Europe To Stand Apart From The U.S.  

Macron sparks anger by saying Europe should not be ‘vassal’ in US-China clash -- The Guardian  

Macron's comments on Taiwan spark controversy about EU-China relations -- Euronews  

China hawks tell Macron: You don’t speak for Europe -- Politico.eu  

Backlash from Macron's China visit -- GZero 

France's Macron picks a needless fight with the United States -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

Some politicians open their pie holes only to insert a shoe. Macron seems to have a knack for this.

Chow Down said...

simply put:
we need a specific policy about Taiwan. Will we go to war to defend and help should China invade? yes/no. If yes, why. If No, why.

Anonymous said...

Just another weak Western politician spewing BS. LOL.

Anonymous said...

The other part missing here.

Macron goes to china

Macron talks to XI.

Supposedly, Nothing really comes of the meeting, it is a bust.


A few days after the Meeting,

Macron starts talking about Europe going its own way.

Why the big change? I thought He was all behind the US effort in the Ukraine and Taiwan?

Was something said to him that made him change his mind?

Maybe something about Ukraine or Taiwan or the combination of both, that kind of worried him.

Worried him enough that now he wants separation from US Policy.

Totally unknown.

But it does make you think.

Anonymous said...

If your neighbor should suffer a home invasion that you happen to witness, you call the police. What you do after that, is up to you.

A crude analogy, but the point of it is that countries don't have that luxury. Unless you are all part of a defensive pact.

With Ukraine; their neighbors have poured (and rightly so) weapons into the country so that it may defend itself, because their neighbor's were powerless to get involved in any other way. Detractors (including WNU Editor) will argue this merely delays the conclusion of the war. Others argue it merely delays and with hope, indefinitely postpones Russia's attempt to take over the country.

Taiwan is far more isolated than Ukraine. It's main material support comes from the US, while support for maintaining its independence comes from a silent majority. That silent majority may not be so silent if China commits the unthinkable.

Consequences of a Chinese invasion on Taiwan would be insurmountable for the economy and political alignment of the Geo-sphere. It's easy for Joe Soap in his home to tuck his head in a sandpit and hold his breath, hoping that by the time he surfaces, that his country has decided to stay out of the war.

Self-preservation rationality plays all sorts of mental scenarios: "If we get involved, it could go nuclear, that be bad for everyone. So lets not get involved." "It doesn't concern us. Sure, the economy blowback might hurt, but how much of that will effect me versus a conflict?"

Problem with the above consensus is that not getting involved just creates a detrimental political instability later down the road. Can you imagine a world where China was able to take over Taiwan, through brutal means no doubt, unmolested by other State actors?

That sort of world involves a emboldened Chinese State. It's pointless to say things like "Oh they won't stop at Taiwan!" That doesn't matter. You have a massively confident Chinese State who just solved a major national goal by removing the independence of Taiwan. That's a very dangerous world to live in.

This exact same statement applies to Russia and Ukraine right now. Should Russia dominate and win the conflict with Ukraine, that's going to be a dangerous cold war that makes current tensions seem luke-warm.

Intervention is messy and often the last resort. Doing absolutely nothing and hoping that your next 10 years is going to be relatively peaceful living with the consequences of doing FUCK ALL is not going to be as fun as you think it is.

Anonymous said...

That's really nice. But your magic 8 ball is broke. Don't think that if you intervene you are not going to get a bloody nose. But more like a broken back.

That entire operational area is just off the Chinese mainland. This is like if the Chinese tried to invade Cuba or key west. It aint going to work. Especially with the small navy you have.

But have it your way. Attack now and see what happens. Make sure you assigned and are part of that Carrier group just off the Taiwanese coast. That way you achieve balance, risk of your life, for the riskiness of your ideas. FAIR and Balanced

Anonymous said...

Ketchup for your freedom fries?

Anonymous said...

What is going to happen is that 1233 and idiots around him will get nuked. MotherFracker won't have to worry about a broken back.

Anonymous said...


Interesting language you use. You say "Especially with the small navy you have." - This tells me you think I'm American. I'm not. It also tells me that you are not American, although that one is plain obvious. I'm afraid militant immature opinions from hostile countries (such as the one you are from) bear little consequence.

Shame you are incapable of intellectual discourse. You and @2:28 share a love for North Korean inspired dogma.

Anonymous said...


Good try. Won't work.. You are as inane as ever. Your magic 8 ball really is broke. Try the Chrystal ball.

Just make sure you are with the attacking flotilla.

You do not want to be called a hypocrite, do you?

Anonymous said...

usa go to hell

Anonymous said...

Asian and Russian ips from above lol

Anonymous said...


No we will no go to hell. But we are going into perdition real quick. Blame the progressive liberal side of our house. Unfortunately they are running most of the show now.

Anonymous said...

"Joe Soap"? LOL

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Macron left China with about $10 million (at least) in back channel bribes. China can afford it and corrupt western leaders can easily be bought.

Anonymous said...
