Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Brazil's Lula In China On A State Visit


TRT World: Brazil's Lula heads to China to boost ties, talk Russia-Ukraine conflict 

President Lula says he will seek to "consolidate our relationship" with China while both sides are expected to discuss Ukraine conflict, in which both hope to act as mediators. 

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has left for an official visit to China aimed at boosting the already deep ties between the Asian giant and Latin America's biggest economy. 

The veteran leftist, who is due to meet his counterpart Xi Jinping on Friday in Beijing, said he planned to invite Xi to come to Brazil to repay the visit. 

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WNU Editor: This is the Chinese view on the visit .... World will witness power of peace, development during Lula’s China visit: Global Times editorial (Global Times). 

Brazil's Lula In China On A State Visit  

Brazil's Lula visits China, seeking ties and Ukraine support -- AP  

Xi Hosts Brazil's Lula in Diplomatic Push for Ukraine Cease-Fire -- Bloomberg 

Brazilian President Lula travels to China with hopes for trade and peace -- CNN  

What Brazil's Lula wants from Xi during his China visit -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Bringing coffee to a tea party

Anonymous said...

Do the Brazilians and others reading these Chinese state media articles ever note that they are just dripping with condescension toward them? Certainly, the US can be arrogant towards its southern neighbors, but this piece presents Brazil as some minor supplicant, coming to China to learn from the great master, to, among other things, learn about “poverty alleviation.” Left insultingly unsaid is the part about how successful at poverty alleviation Brazil was under Lula. Or how Brazil is, per capita, basically just as wealthy as China!

Even the surface-level praise the writer has for Brazil has an strong undercurrent of vulgar stereotype and dismissal echoing the bad old days of Western Orientalism: “The Chinese people like Brazil, a passionate and lively country.” Ah, a Latin American country that is “passionate” and “lively.” Where have I heard that before! Nothing, of course, about Brazil’s economic dynamism, leadership in decarbonization, etc.

No, Brazil is just there with the likes of little ol’ China, joining developing countries somewhere along the “historical process of pursuit of modernization on their respective paths.” A statement that, again, manages to condescend, while cynically projecting protective false modesty about China, the world’s soon to be biggest economy.