Wednesday, April 19, 2023

British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace Says Multiple Russian Submarines Moving in 'Strange Routes'

Russian Navy Northern Fleet Yasen-class nuclear-powered sub Kazan arrives at its home base in Severomorsk, on Russia's Arctic coast, June 1, 2021. Lev Fedoseyev\TASS 

 Newsweek: Multiple Russian Submarines Moving in 'Strange Routes,' U.K. Says 

Russian submarines have been traveling on "strange routes" that deviate from those deemed typical by Western defense officials, according to British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace. 

Wallace said the U.K. had been tracking Russian submarines "in the North Atlantic and in the Irish Sea and in the North Sea doing some strange routes that they normally wouldn't do," Wallace said Tuesday while speaking to the media during a visit to Washington, D.C. The British Defence Ministry confirmed the remarks to Newsweek on Wednesday. 

Alarm bells have been ringing among NATO allies about Russia's underwater fleet, which one expert previously told Newsweek is "the critical challenge that the United States faces." There have been increasing indications of Russian submarines operating off U.S. and Mediterranean coasts, in what appear to be "Soviet-style submarine deployments" reminiscent of the Cold War.  

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WNU Editor: The U.S. nuclear submarine fleet is also busy .... In the dark depths of the Pacific, US submarines patrol with an eye fixed firmly on China (CNN).


Anonymous said...

Not only are the routes stange, they are going underwater!

fazman said...

And they remembered to close the hatch

Anonymous said...

What would be good is if fazzy could try to remember to keep his own hatch closed.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie King Charlie invite them for tea?