Monday, April 24, 2023

China Foreign Ministry Says It Respects Sovereignty Of Ex-Soviet States After EU Uproar


Reuters: China says it respects sovereignty of ex-Soviet states after EU uproar 

PARIS (Reuters) - China respects the status of former Soviet member states as sovereign nations, its foreign ministry said on Monday, distancing itself from comments by its envoy to Paris that triggered an uproar among European capitals. 

Several EU foreign ministers had said earlier that comments by ambassador Lu Shaye - in which he questioned the sovereignty of Ukraine and other former Soviet states - were unacceptable and had asked Beijing to clarify its stance. 

Asked about his position on whether Crimea was part of Ukraine or not, Lu said in an interview aired on French TV on Friday that historically it was part of Russia and had been offered to Ukraine by former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. 

 "These ex-USSR countries don't have actual status in international law because there is no international agreement to materialize their sovereign status," Lu added.  

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WNU Editor: Beijing had no choice but to say this publicly. But privately, they are all in agreement with ambassador Lu Shaye.


Anonymous said...

West can't take the truths.

Anonymous said...

They’ve been free for 4 decades they are as sovereign as Taiwan

Anonymous said...

China goofed and now reverses what got said.