Friday, April 21, 2023

China Ramps Up Construction On Fifth Antarctica Base

A map shows the locations of existing Chinese Antarctic stations and the Inexpressible Island site of a new station in this handout image (via REUTERS) © Provided by The Independent  

The Independent: China resumes construction on fifth Antarctica base, shows new satellite imagery 

China has resumed construction of its fifth research facility in Antarctica after a years-long lull, a new report has said. 

Beijing is building new support facilities and groundwork for a larger structure in Antarctica’s southern polar region, revealed a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published on Tuesday. 

The report said the new station, on Inexpressible Island near the Ross Sea, is expected to include an observatory with a satellite ground station, and should help China “fill in a major gap” in its ability to access the continent, said the report. 

The report said construction on the country’s fifth station in the southern polar region resumed for the first time since 2018.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The CSIS report is here .... Frozen Frontiers: China’s Great Power Ambitions in the Polar Regions (CSIS).  

Update: China has responded to this report .... Expert: China's Antarctic expedition solely for peaceful purposes (CGTN). 

China Ramps Up Construction On Fifth Antarctica Base 

China ramps up construction on new Antarctic station, report says -- Reuters  

China has ramped up construction on its new Antarctic station, new report reveals -- CNN  

China rivals US foothold in Antarctica, builds base with potential to eavesdrop on neighbors -- FOX News   

China ramps up construction on its new Antarctic station, report says -- NBC  

China resumes work on fifth Antarctic base: think tank -- AAP

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