Friday, April 21, 2023

China's Foreign Minister Says Both Sides Of The Taiwan Strait Belong To China

Reuters: China's foreign minister: Both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to China 

SHANGHAI (Reuters) -China's Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Friday that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to China, and that it is right and proper for China to uphold its sovereignty. 

Qin made the remarks at the Lanting Forum in Shanghai, where he discussed a wide range of topics from debt, the global economy, and Taiwan. 

"Recently there has been absurd rhetoric accusing China of upending the status quo, disrupting peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," Qin said. "The logic is absurd and the conclusion dangerous." 

 Read more ....  

Update #1: Both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to China, says FM Qin (France 24)  

Update #2: Both sides of Taiwan Strait belong to Beijing: China’s FM (Al Jazeera)  

WNU Editor: Good luck on trying to enforce that claim.


Anonymous said...

The Chinese will surprise Wnu.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese AND our own leaders corruption is what coming at us.

STOP thinking of China being the enemy #1.

Our decline is only possible through the active enablement of internal traitors.

Check this out if you want to see how silently this corruption has moved, so that you are not even aware that very soon, someone else will rule the World, and the laws are implemented RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous said...
