Thursday, April 13, 2023

Editor's Note

 Flying to Winnipeg today to help my Ukrainian cousin and her family to settle down.

This is a 2 1/2 day trip.

Blogging will return Saturday evening.


Anonymous said...

News from Ukraine. Zelinski and US money

Anonymous said...

prediction: this post will soon contain the raves and rants of countless readers who want, need to vent, unload, puke up, spill their anguish.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian soldiers defy Putin

Anonymous said...

The Government's narrative and Progressive liberal leadership , the consequences. Every where progressive leadership takes control, backed by BLOB narrative, the historical outcome is always the same. decay, creeping impoverishment and growing poverty. Portland , Baltimore, L.A., DC and here is a nice Chicago example

Wal-Mart is a greedy sob. If they are pulling out....things must be really bad.

Anonymous said...

Government narratives fail again. The case of California

Anonymous said...

easy to dump on cities. redling etc keeps low-income and non-whites there and lack any real gun controls does have higher crime rates in large cities. But then, ask about who controls the state? gop. Who fails to pass gun control? gop.
were are the jobs located? cities. Don't like them do not work or go there.

Anonymous said...

Tobias Tischbier hard at work. He assumes that Russia is going to win, so...

Anonymous said...

"Harris knew, or was at least aware, that in a joint hearing on February 23, 2023, witness Jacqueline Breger would make accusations that would accuse elected officials "

So an Arizona state legislator knew that a witness testifying before the legislature would say "x" and for that she is licked out of the legislature.


Russia no longer has a robust or active space program and the USA is a banana republic.

Anonymous said...

"easy to dump on cities" Who controls the state?

Who controls the state?

Portland: Oregon Dimocrats
Baltimore: Maryland: Demoncrats
L.A.: California Democraps
DC: DemoKKKrats
Chicago: Illinois Dhimicrats

In the era of ghost guns and rampant smuggling over America's borders by cartels, the human vending machine wh0re thinks banning guns from non-criminals is the answer.

This person should get some rope and play the Tiktok blackout game

Anonymous said...

"were[sic] are the jobs located?"

Older cities run by Democrats have this thing. it has been around for decades and decades. It is called brownfield.

I remember a liberal programmer complaining about a black owned restaurant with great food in Springfield. Why? Because of the violence. He wanted to eat there more than the first time. He knows there are a lot of capable an good Black people. He also knows that there are even more bad ones. You know the type. The ones that have been brought up on the Democrat plantation and miseducated.

Democrats keep black business owners down.


Anonymous said...


There he is Blob narrative man. Still trying to justify, negligence, failed ideology and imaginary facts.

Anonymous said...

^^no idea who or what your are referring to and details

Anonymous said...

I had poste4d about fixing gun controls. I want to say loud and clear: I do not mean that all guns need to be outlawed or banned. Most or every liberal that I know of or have read has made it clear that they do not want to grab guns.
What do they want?
well a simple example. The last mass shooting They guy got a few guns with ease in short order and it turns out even his mother has said he has meant]al issue.
If you can not envisage a way to fix that, there is no sense in debating the issue

Anonymous said...

for 2:02

Well Blob narrative man tries to deny responsibility for major societal failures in our cities (and our society in general) away from Progressive liberalism.\

But as Mr 1:48 eloquently pointed out, these disasters are all controlled by Progressive liberals at the state level too.

You can tell when this blob supporter posts. All you got to do is compare his words to Pelosi, or Biden, shumer or some radical nut case professor who says whites are bad and all our problems are caused by conservative white legacy politics.

And the governments in these cities are not negligent, they are moving forward to a new day.

Bull shit

Anonymous said...

"The last mass shooting "

Houston we have a problem. There you go again. Are you sure it was the last mass shooting? Or is it the last mass shooting legacy media covered?

In my metro when there is a shooting, There is almost invariably a black face attached to it. One could argue two things. First, the black population has a lower average age and young people do more things like that. Second you could argue that people in lower socio economic circumstances are more prone to do that. So you could normalize that data to take that into account. At the end of the statistical exercise, you would find that Black people are still overrepresented.

Funny how liberals and s called journalist do not want to cover shootings were the perpetrator are black and the victims are black.

the press covers enough shooting that we should list everyone and list categories such race of the offender. the FBI does. If you do not want to do this shut up and sit down.

More importantly we should list which shooting are gang and/or drug related. We tackle the drug and gang problem, a lot of homicides would go down and we would look more like England or Canada.

If you do not want to tackle the homicides due to drug turf wars, then you should not belly up to the bar.

On mental health. That is a big rubber band encompassing a lot . Because of HIPAA we may never know much at all. How long? How severe?

What if you take an antidepressant? I know a retired military member, who was depressed. eventually among other things he took testosterone replacement. The biggest problem is that he was no longer part of unit with an important job. He lost a lot of purpose and status. Should he be denied a firearm due to mental issues?

"I had poste4d about fixing gun controls." if you posted at 1:10 what you posted was TPM and diatribe.

Anonymous said...

Gun control in today's society is a Trojan horse. These bastards ask for an inch and take a mile.

Severely punish those who violate gun laws, not those who own and keep them peacefully..

Remember this fools, The Second Amendment is part of the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution that constitute the Bill Of Rights.

The Bill of Rights was put into the Constitution and it was done so to ratify our rights.

And the Guiding Philosophy was .....that our Rights were given to us by GOD, not the state. The Constitution of the United States MERELY Affirms (DOES NOT GRANT) these rights. Because only God can grant rights.

Also, so you understand the difference.

A. drivers licence , allows you the Privilege to use an auto mobile on a highway. And this PRIVILEGE is granted to you by the state. YOU have NO right to drive a car. But you do have a right to own a Firearm.

The Bill of Rights is not a drivers license to be regulated

If they can take away your gun rights or regulated them like a drivers license, they can do that to all the other rights In the Bill of Rights, religion , speech , press. ect..

They have regulated too much already. I remember when you could buy a firearm from an add in the back of Sports and Field magazine and have the gun delivered directly to your house.

I also remember we had shooting clubs in school and we had our hunting rifles in the backs of our cars so we could go directly to the field after school.

Gun control is Bullshit. You progressive dummies are once again on the side of Epic Failure.


You are treating the symptom and not the root cause.

Anonymous said...

god did not grant the right to gun down 8 year-old in schools.if you think so, you are truly a nutter.

All things are the fault of the Dems. Give up medicare, social security, etc and show us the GOP fixes all things. that is why they always win at elections. As they just did?

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing that Americans of all political stripes can agree on, it is that the economy is broken. Donald Trump, who saw trade as a rip-off and his country in decline, came into office promising to make America great again. President Joe Biden is spending $2trn remaking the economy, hoping to build it back better. Americans are worried. Nearly four-fifths tell pollsters that their children will be worse off than they are, the most since the survey began in 1990, when only about two-fifths were as gloomy. [cut]
Yet the anxiety obscures a stunning success story—one of enduring but underappreciated outperformance. America remains the world’s richest, most productive and most innovative big economy. By an impressive number of measures, it is leaving its peers ever further in the dust.

Anonymous said...

"god did not grant the right to gun down 8 year-old in schools. if you think so, you are truly a nutter."

So you called all people who legally own and operate a gun nutters.

You are either a tr0ll or a leftist nutter.

Who at the NRA or any other 2nd amendment group said there was aright to gun done 8 year olds in a school?


Depending on state law or local court, you have a right to defend yourself against an attacker. This does not apply in New York city. if a thug shoots at you (hits or misses ) and you grab the gun from him or grab your own and shoot back at him, you will be prosecuted. The thug not so much.

You can be a minority scraping by and working hard, but the leftist goons like DA Bragg will come for you. In Jose Alba's case it was knife, but the concept applies to guns. a person must not defend themselves.

DA Bragg decided to not have his career die on that hill. But DA Bragg will be back doing similar crap.

Anonymous said...

I'll give up Medicare, Social security, et al. when the feds pay me back and stop taking money out of my paycheck.

Anonymous said...

i do not call gun owerns nutter. learn to read. I have had rifles and sidearms while in service and so too two of my sons. Can you not see a diff between an assault weapon bought and used the same day to kill children at school and god's given right to own arms?

Anonymous said...

"i[sic] do not call gun owerns[sic] nutter. learn to read."

Actually you did. You set up a dishonest strawman. If anyone objects for any reason to gun grab number 5,739,163, then they are against good sense in your judgment and they are a nutter.

Unmitigated, complete a-holes such as yourself conflate the terms assault weapon and assault rifle for evil, political purposes.

"An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

"Selective fire is the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, fully automatic, and/or burst mode."

The shooter in Kentucky did not have an assault rifle. He did not have a rifle capable of burst or automatic fire. Admit that you lying freak.

The second amendment is there for 3 reasons

1) Self Defense
2) Hunting

If you and your ilk were so confident, then why are you taking down all the social media of these LIBERAL shooters? Afraid that the public might eventually classify liberals as mentally ill?

Also, you do not have two sons, liar.

Anonymous said...

So I checked out 2 leftwing, arch liberal news sites about the guns purchased by the flaming liberal, who shot school kids.

No mention of any gun being bought the same day. None.

Does it surprise anyone that the liberal wingnut at 4:45 would lie?

4:45 is a liberal moron.

Anonymous said...

NPR is quitting Twitter. Running away like dogs.

They do not like the label state media. They receive somewhere between 5% to 15% form government.

Is NPR much different than Deutsche Welle?

"Deutsche Welle (pronounced ("German Wave"), abbreviated to DW, is a German public, state-owned] international broadcaster funded by the German federal tax budget"

Anonymous said...

Biden said:

“One of the things that she’d look at me say, ‘Joey, remember, remember who you are,’ like ‘you’re a Biden’ — like what the hell is a Biden? You know what I mean? I’m like, like I’m a, you know, anyway,”

What a demented old fool for a president

Anonymous said...

You posters who are for gun control need to read this again.

Gun control is Bullshit. You progressive dummies are once again on the side of Epic Failure.


YOU are TREATING the symptom and not the root cause.

God did not give an 8 year old the right to own a gun. You guys love to twist ideas. Won't work. The concepts involve people who can be responsible for their own actions. Not Kids, or retards or the guy in a coma.

And guess what? If you knock was also directed against the concept of rights being granted by a High Power, then great.

Here is your alternative.....All your rights are given to you by the state. And they can take them away at thier leisure.

But back to the main point. You are missing the key part of this.

The situation with gun violence is a SYMPTOM. NOT a CAUSE.

So what is your ROOT CAUSE of your mass shootings, drive by shootings and murders by guns?

You do not want to knew the truth, because you cannot handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

the remarks above are too incoherent for me to untangle what is being attempted to be said. Want a tip? try to be specific in what you want to say instead of gas balloons that drift about and say nothing.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what remarks are you talking about?

Or are you just making excuses not to reply or answer the questions with coherent and practical ideas?

You do come off as an arrogant jerk though.

Hans Persson said...

Ok, lets do this:

Walls work!

Anonymous said...

And give more money to Zelinski.

But for some helpful analysis go over to Big Serve page on substack.

He has a great analysis of the leaked documents.

Anonymous said...

BIG Serge

Here is part of it

The relevant material here in particular is a page entitled “US Allied & Partner UAF Combat Power Build”, which details the force generation, training, and equipment tranches that will create the mechanized package which Ukraine will use in its spring offensive. The plan calls for a force of twelve nominal brigades, nine of which will be equipped by NATO and three internally generated by the Ukrainians. The leak does not offer insight into the three Ukrainian brigades, but the intended complement of the nine NATO brigades is meticulously listed).

All told, the combat power build calls for these brigades to field a total of 253 tanks, 381 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 480 Armored Personnel Carriers, and 147 artillery pieces. This implies that these will be brigades in name only, and will in fact be far understrength. Parceling these systems out across nine brigades will give an average strength of a mere 28 tanks per brigade, along with some 95 IFVs/APCs and 16 artillery tubes. Compare this to a US Army Armored Brigade Combat Team, which would have almost 90 tanks and almost 200 IFVs/APCs. An American Stryker Brigade (a lighter, rapidly deployable formation) would have about 300 Strykers - the Ukrainian 82nd Brigade is listed to receive only 90.

RussInSoCal said...

Looks like the deep state is going to fry a 21 year old kid for whistle-blowing the multiple lies we've been told about the Russia-Ukraine war.

Like, there are no active US forces in Ukraine. And, Ukraine is winning. Or, it's not a proxy war between nuclear superpowers.



Anonymous said...

More of Progressive liberalism and their inability to take responsibility for their own actions

Case file

Minneapolis, Minnesota

For over 50 years the Mayors office of Minneapolis Minnesota has been democrat, progressive democrat. The City Council has been also dominated by democrats.

The city council and Mayor pick the chief of police and the new commissioner of public safety.

The council and mayor are also responsible for approval of police policies and regulations. They also oversee the police hiring and training program. All of this is under the purview of the Chief of police who, is hired by the council and mayor.

So this is 50 years now of liberal progressive control of

Police hiring
Police training and discipline processes
and 50 years of police promotion approval.

Concerning Officer Derek Chauvin ?

Who hired him
who trained him
who kept him on when he disobeyed orders ?

WHO PUT HIM ON THE STREET the day he killed George Floyd.?

And When these same people scream that this incident happened because of systematic white racism, who are they talking about?

What system failed in this case?

It is CLEARLY obvious it was the progressive liberal system that failed, since they had been the ones in charge for over 50 years. They built and ran the system that caused this incident.

Will they ever accept responsibility for thier own actions and policies?

Of course not. They are Progressive Liberals. They Never take responsibility for their failures. And do not forget, the blob backs them up all the way.

When you Treat symptoms not causes, see what happens? The patient only gets sicker as time goes by.

Anonymous said...


I do not see any good out come from letting Russia have its way with Ukraine and taking part of it or all of it.

Russia having Crimea is not necessarily a bad thing. It would actually be a good thing, if they had petitioned the Un and held a plebiscite. All propaganda is not evil. It depends on how you go about it. Russia could have advertised a higher per capita standard of living. With the number of Russians and Ukrainians, I figure minorities like the Tatars would be swing votes. But Russia invaded and that is all water under the bridge.

Aggressive , expanding empires have to be brought down. They are like colliding starts that become and increase math, they keep accreting until they become a black hole and then there is no stopping them. The empires can be more incompetent than an average nation, but that does not matter, if they can keep expanding long enough, War spoils can paper over inefficiencies for awhile. Even incompetent empires can adapt.

Call it a proxy war. What you call it does not matter. It is a life and death struggle for both the Russia and the US now.

It is shame and did not have to be. God knows that the war with Russia is one of the birdies helping to distract the people. Russia could have helped itself by helping the US. But the only way they could see play it is the usual, mundane way of further corrupting and blackmailing corrupt US officials. How did that work out?

So now we have a bunch of very corrupt officials that the Russians cannot blackmail and who playing smash mouth right back at the Kremlin. the Kremlin and many in DC deserve each other, but some American people do not.

The US needs to prosecute the war. Biden is doing that. Or his handlers are. But there is a lot of foot dragging. Part of the foot dragging might be a disinformation campaign, but it think part of it is real, by a bunch of timid people out of their depth.

I expect China to attack Taiwan within 2 years. I expect global war.


RussInSoCal said...

10:31 PM

I appreciate your thoughtful response. I never said that Russia holding vast tracts of Ukraine would be a good outcome, I rather feel that it might not be up to us. Unfortunately.

I agree that this war was completely avoidable. A strong dollar and oil at $33/bbl would right now be prohibitive for Russia engaging in foreign adventures. But the world we live in right now is utterly advantageous to Russia.

I hold the Biden Admin completely responsible for this war and its lead up. Keeping Putin off balance and deterred was accomplished by calculus of unpredictable, yet shrewd US leadership.

There was a brief period in time that Russia invaded none of her neighbors. It happened at a time when the US had energy dominance and with it, economic leverage over our prime adversaries. That leverage no longer exists. It was squandered in early 2021 with Green concessions and further diminished with a humiliating surrender in Afghanistan.

Now we have a Russian war on Ukraine. Almost daily harassment of Taiwanese defenses. And the realpolitik of potential loss of US Reserve Currency. Not to mention open media discussion of the use of nuclear weapons.

My comment was to made to emphasize the point that if the US is to go to war, the citizens and tax payers in who's name its being waged should be advised of the truth of the manner in which its being fought. Instead we are lied to and finger wagged by the likes of political hacks, such as Mr. Kirby that is information should be kept from the eyes of the American sheep.

Also the corrupt and complicit modern US national news media. Who enjoys constitutional protections against the publication of exactly this kind of relevant information - who used to be the watchdog - instead rallies behind this government and it its suppression.



Anonymous said...

Kirby: My surmmisation of him is as follows. He had the chops to be a decent SWO (I will assume so until I know otherwise.), but chose public affairs, because it was easier and he reasoned he could obtain higher rank with less effort.

Maximizing your socio-economic status makes sense. Can't fault him there.

But now that he is there he has to fall in line and he no longer has the discipline of a SWO. H3 is just a better than average hack.

A former Obama stenographer laid into corrupt Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan.

It should get Joe Biden's impeachment on the table. If it gets past the House, it will die in the Senate for partisan reasons only.

"Not to mention open media discussion of the use of nuclear weapons." So now I have to figure out a state to live in. I have to figure if the local or regional businesses, which are a subset of the US businesses, can form a spanning tree à la Asimov's "Foundation."

Anonymous said...

fox news is fully diuslcredited as fdull of lies and shit. hunter laptop? more bullshit that is still not revealed by FBI
cool down. Biden will not be impeached. that is your wet dream

Anonymous said...

the "kid" revealed highly classified stuff to show off. and yes, we have, said the leak, some 14 people (wow) in Ukraine. so fucking what?
fry that kid...right!

Anonymous said...

It is good (or not) to see that, our editor away, we continue nonstop to dump our class anxieties, our silliness and bullshit, here so others can puzzle over what we are up to or identify with the hate and anguish we express. Who needs an editor? All we need is a free dumping ground to empty our bowels.

Anonymous said...

"Regardless, all of the intelligence that has been leaked was on a Top Secret computer net and could only be accessed inside a SCIF. How could a 21-year-old obtain these documents?"

"Let me suggest one possibility for this leak — create a predicate for forcing Joe Biden from office. The revelations in the classified documents are not fabrications designed to deceive the Russians. Nor are they the kind of material to rally more U.S. support for pouring more resources into the black hole of Ukraine. These leaks feed the meme that the Biden team is incompetent and endangering American interests overseas."

I'll believe Larry Johnson any day over 8:31=8:33 and maybe = 9:57

This was a controlled leak to bring down Biden.

Anonymous said...

Wow, eight thirty-ish I posted link to a lot of non-Fox stuff and yet all you can do regurgitate the name of Fox News.

Derangement Syndrome much?

Anonymous said...

nothing of merit to say so dump your anguish to indicate class envy?

Anonymous said...

10:43 AM some years ago, I was 21-22 and had top secret access, fully vetted for it by FBI

Anonymous said...

We will find out soon.

The question you all may have thought of is this.

How did this kid get a hold of this particular information? What was this job in the USAF? How, at so low level rank did he have access?

Was it him , then or someone else he happens to know?

As a comment on the poster before.....Kirby and the rest out of DC are a side show. Kirby has shown himself to be a political liar. The rest of that cabal in DC are not any better.

The chances of a major conflict in the next 2 years. high.

The bad things about this that really bug me is the the political , astronomical and spiritual signs are all starting to line up at the same time.

I just hope we are all wrong in our thinking. But then again. Hope is not a method

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Troll, chances are not high. They are a given.

10:49 aka Fred is bragging.

There are stories as to the reason why Rockwell located a plant in Iowa and why the government located missile and rocket research in Huntsville, Alabama.

In both cases the explanation is that those places were rural and the gambled on that if any secret info got outside the wire, the local yokels would not make much of t and ignore it.

Fred, the guy who bragged he did not read until age 16, is the perfect coffee make and errand boy for a facility handling secret material. the senior noncoms and officers do the heavy lifting and Fred makes the coffee and is the gopher.

Anonymous said...

"nothing of merit to say so dump your anguish to indicate class envy?"

1) What socio-economic class do you think I am?

2) What class are you?

3) What class am I envious of?

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

— Exodus 20:17

Oh right, Fred does not believe in God. He believes in the socialist fairy

I have asked 3 concise questions. Will Fred provide3 concise answers? Most of the time he does not. He goes off on another tangent promoting socialist democrats, dumping on Republicans and generally dribbling shit.

Anonymous said...

Heres an easy prediction; Blogging will return Saturday.

Mr Nobody said...

Remember this guy was National Guard. Guard units normally do not have access to this type of info.

So unless he was TDY to SHAPE HQ, the pentagon, or some other higher organization, How in the hell did he get these documents?

Were the documents on the SIPER net by chance?

Time will tell.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, 1ST National Guard. I thought that too.

I also know the TDY angle for annual training or otherwise.

The South Korean and other stuff mixed in? That doesn't make sense either. If he was trying to prove something about Ukraine, why would he go looking for, be able to look for or post stuff on Korea?

Anonymous said...

fred told me to tell

11:19 AM
he does not care to or feel any need to answer questions by some anon who cite4s his name but does not use his own
grown some ball

Anonymous said...

Yeah along with tangents, Fred is famous for deflection and cop-outs.

Dumping and dribbling too.

Anonymous said...

5 years from now,when this goes to trial, we’ll know the alias of the actual leaker who passed these on to some idiot kid who couldn’t resist sharing it with his little clique of internet buddies. Too bad no one will care or remember.

Anonymous said...

I see this a lot and form different angles

"The intelligence community has been running this country since they assassinated JFK'

Starting to believe it too.

Anonymous said...

"the actual leaker who passed these on to some idiot kid who couldn’t resist sharing it with his little clique of internet buddies"

The idiot kid was used. The CIA/FBI does a lot of that.

DOJ-Media-Intel Election Interference Predates Trump

FBI Behind Plot to Blow Up Governor Ralph Northam – Used Elderly Vietnam Veteran in Diabolical Plot to Bomb VA Gov

"In summer 2020, Dan Chappel, the main informant in the Whitmer fednapping who was compensated at least $60,000 by the FBI for his services, targeted a man named Frank Butler, a disabled veteran in his late 60s and an alleged militia member. Taking instructions from Jayson Chambers, one of his FBI handling agents, Chappel used the same playbook in Virginia.

“Dan suggests to Frank that he engage in acts of domestic terror,” defense attorneys wrote in a joint motion filed last year in the Whitmer case. “Like the defendants in this case, Dan suggested to Frank that he attack the governor of Virginia.”"

Who is Dan Chappell?

Maybe if the FBI was not suggesting plots we might have half the plots and half the people in jail?

Maybe what the rabbis or priests say to their congregations should be updated. Beware of the informant and do not take their bait.

It might not matter very soon anyway.

"Warren Buffet Sells Billions in Taiwanese Chip Maker as Experts Fear China Is Preparing for an Offensive"

Anonymous said...

We can get handbaskets from Home Depot to go to hell in.

Anonymous said...

"The raid was never about justice. It was about optics. There was no need for the DOJ to follow up. Weldon had been bloodied. The mission had been accomplished. And on a Tuesday three weeks after the raid, the election had been “won.”" - Cashill

Anonymous said...

Does he believe there are thinks NOT recorded that are not allowed to be recorded?
Does he have a life of any kind or is he suck a little shit that he dumps on others to make his girly boy life seem worthwhile?
ok gutsy: tell us how you have served our nation or SHUT THE FUCK UP

Anonymous said...


What pronoun is that?

Is it people who identify as donkeys, mules or @sses?

Anonymous said...

"Does he believe there are thinks NOT recorded that are not allowed to be recorded?"

^ What is dat dude talking about? What post is he, I mean HIME or HIE, referring to?

Thinks? That was not a fat finger mistake. That is cognitive degradation.

Anonymous said...

give it up asshole
you lose
you are small low ego ass and those reading this see the petty girlie you truly are
Your parents sure fucked you over

Anonymous said...

girlie? You sure you want to use that word?

Maybe you do. It would not be surprising if we all learned you used the words wetback, pollack and the n-word, too.

Anonymous said...

dna showing again

Anonymous said...

You all take this way too personal.

I mean yes some guys on this blog are hard head jerks. Call them jerks and move on.
The normal rule is to reply only if they counter your argument and to insult only when they insult you first or if their come back statements are: illogical, misleading, patently false, have notning to do with the subject discussed, or ideological dribble.

And yes, if they keep on spewing nonsense, counter historical positions or ideological crap, then they deserved to be hammered. Lite vulgarity is needed due to the fact you have no idea who is reading this nor thier age.

Anonymous said...

Karine Jean-Pierre Praises Joe Biden For Walking

Biden gets gold star today!


Anonymous said...

If Biden walked in some high heels and got some va va voom action going as he walked, think of how much all Democrats would praise him!

Anonymous said...

Biden praised for walking

Anonymous said...

Trump to go to trial for rape, RAPE in ten (10) days!E

Anonymous said...

Trump's accuser is bankrolled by a leftist billionaire donor.

I cannot get over that the accuser does not remember, if it was 1995 or 1996. I find that hard to believe.

Rape kits have been around since the 1970s. First used in Chicago. The store in which the alleged rape happened had video cameras. Tape is long since gone or degraded. Film only last so long. There are store employees especially the ones responsible for the dressing rooms.

Trump was known to be a millionaire and thus had deep pockets. Would Trump have high powered lawyers? Sure. But having deep pockets and sensing a huge payday the accuser could have fund a lot of pro bono , high powered lawyers. With a rape kit and possibly with a video tape, I think it would have been 50/50 or maybe better. That is why I believe this is a hit job.

They do Trump this way. Putin does Navalny that way.

That is the way I see it.