Thursday, April 27, 2023

Editor's Note

Celebrated my mother's 97th birthday today. Her birthday was actually last week, but we postponed everything because she was not feeling well. 

She was very good today. 

She can still down shots of vodka without blinking an eye, and then without hesitation ask for more. And when we say no because of her age and fear that she may fall down, the look of anger that she gives us is priceless. 

 Sighhh .... these are the moments that one will never forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That’s awesome. Smirnoff vodka was the first thing I got sick from when drinking as a teenager. Wasn’t Able to drink the stuff most my life until I discovered Russian standard vodka. I drink that stuff right out of the bottle, but is becoming hard to find in Alberta.