Sunday, April 23, 2023

EU Foreign Policy Chief Wants European Navies To Patrol The Taiwan Strait

Josep Borrell, high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, speaks during an interview in Brussels, April 20. EPA-Yonhap  

The Guardian: Taiwan Strait: top EU diplomat calls for European navy patrols 

Josep Borrell says safeguard would show Europe’s commitment to the ‘absolutely crucial’ area European navies should patrol the disputed Taiwan Strait, the EU foreign policy chief has said, echoing earlier comments stressing how crucial Taiwan is to Europe. 

Josep Borrell wrote in an opinion piece in the Journal Du Dimanche that Taiwan “concerns us economically, commercially and technologically”. “That’s why I call on European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait to show Europe’s commitment to freedom of navigation in this absolutely crucial area,” he wrote.  

Read more .... 

EU Foreign Policy Chief Asks European Navies To Patrol Taiwan Strait  

Top EU envoy asks European navies to patrol Taiwan Strait -- SCMP  

EU's Borrell asks European navies to patrol Taiwan Strait -- Korea Times  

EU's Borrell Asks European Navies To Patrol Taiwan Strait -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Another dope head.

Anonymous said...

European countries are a relic

Anonymous said...

You must be joking man EU has a s...load of problems they must go to Taiwan????

fazman said...

They will have more problems if it collapses into china

Bigus Macus said...

They EU needs to stay home were the can screw things up for Europe. The rest of the world doesn't need their help.

Anonymous said...

this old man is senile, like Joe

Anonymous said...

Wow the world is becoming more dangerous. According to this idiot, Europe wants to project power in Asia! However, I believe if "European Navies" would be so insane as to test "freedom of navigation" in the Taiwan Strait, China would be much more likely to sink a French or British warship than a US one to make a clear point that European warships need to stay away from Chinese waters.

Anonymous said...

The European Colonial powers seeking to make a comeback in their former Colonies. Won't go down well in Indochina.

Anonymous said...

In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you buddy but it's black democrat cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Philly, etc where the weekend gun violence tally looks like something from Bakhmut.

Anonymous said...

Well, we do have the support of 1/2 the Taiwanese in defending them

Anonymous said...

there's a thing called "per capita/acre"