Saturday, April 22, 2023

Everyone Is Waiting For The Ukraine Counter-Offensive


Euronews: The anticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive: When, where and how?  

The Ukrainian military has been talking since late last year about plans for a major counter-offensive. 

The Pentagon documents, if they are to be believed, indicated that the offensive was planned to start on 30 April. 

In late March, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were not yet ready for large-scale operations. And Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal indicated in mid-April that a counteroffensive could be expected in the summer.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The media, Ukraine and Western leaders, and the pundits are all hyping the upcoming Ukrainian counter-offensive as the battle that will change the momentum of the war and will result in Russia being forced out of Ukraine, Crimea included. 

But when I ask my family and friends who still remain in Ukraine on what do they think, they tell me a completely different story. I hear nothing but doom and gloom from them, and no one is optimistic that this counter-offensive will succeed. 

So who is right? 

I expect a Ukraine counter-offensive in the coming months, but I do not expect it to be the big breakthrough and victory that Kyiv and NATO are saying it will be. In fact. When I look at the numbers and what is now deployed on the frontlines, Russia does not only hold the advantage in artillery, air power, and ammo, but I suspect that Russia now has in the field just as many troops as Ukraine has (if not more). 

What I am also worried about is that that these Russian troops are dug in behind heavy fortifications supported by over-lapping artillery systems, and my gut is telling me that they are biding their time just waiting for this Ukrainian assault. 

Another worry that I have is that I have been told that many of the troops that Ukraine will throw into this counter-offensive are soldiers who have little if any combat experience. They may be trained to fight, but for most of them this will be their first battle.

More News On The Upcoming Ukraine Offensive  

Ukraine Situation Report: The Brutal Wait For Ukraine’s Counteroffensive -- Warzone/The Drive  

The Ukraine counter-offensive: How, where and when Zelensky's forces will hit the Russians -- Daily Mail  

When and how will Ukraine start counteroffensive against Russia? -- Al Jazeera  

Ukraine trains 40,000 storm brigade troops for counter-offensive -- Reuters  

Allies move to bolster Ukrainian tank forces ahead of counteroffensive -- Reuters  

Ukraine attempts to break Russian lines with new equipment ahead of expected counter-offensive -- The Telegraph 

'We need every man': Ukraine's troops prepare for counter-offensive against Russia -- Financial Times 

‘A storm is coming’: Ukrainian brigade gears up for counteroffensive against Russia -- Times of Israel  

STORM THE TRENCHES How Ukraine is preparing for a ‘BIG BANG’ strike to retake Crimea, bulldoze the Russians and humiliate Vladimir Putin -- The SUN 

So what’s the deal with Ukraine’s spring offensive? -- VOX


Anonymous said...

More protein for the meat grinder. What everyone should be asking is what happens if/when this offensive fails and Russia starts advancing? Personally I see US and Polish forces entering Ukraine to establish a buffer zone And the escalation will only continue from there.

Roger29palms said...

I've not bought the "offensive" from the day I heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Sun Tzu never said anything about telling your opponent your plans. Either this is a brand new playbook or the offensive is psyop to keep the status quo going.

I think it was probably a real plan 6 months ago, but attrition has made it impossible to build up sufficient reserves before they get moved elsewhere on the front. Now the offensive is just a talking point that the nationalists can use to keep everyone else on board with their control over the war, and to ensure that their foreign backers continue the support. The less it became a reality, the more it became a major daily topic in the mainstream press.