Wednesday, April 26, 2023

FBI Warns Americans To Stay Away From Haiti Due To Spiralling Violence


Miami Herald: As kidnappings, gang violence surge in Haiti, FBI warns Americans, residents to stay away 

The FBI is warning U.S. citizens and permanent residents, especially those living in South Florida, to stay away from Haiti. 

The warning comes as Haiti’s embattled police force faces increasing attacks from warring gangs and as the violence in Port-au-Prince, according to the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, has reached levels similar to countries at war.

“The people of Haiti continue to suffer one of the worst human rights crises in decades and a major humanitarian emergency,” Guterres said in his latest report to the U.N. Security Council.

 “With the high number of fatalities and increasing areas under the control of armed gangs, insecurity in the capital has reached levels comparable to countries in armed conflict.”  

Read more ....  

Update: FBI issues dire warning to Americans thinking of traveling to Caribbean nation as crime skyrockets in 2023 (FOX News)  

WNU editor: You know the place is falling apart when this happens .... Crowd kills over a dozen suspected gang members in Haiti (CNN).


Anonymous said...

After the earthquake wasn't Bill Clinton and others tasked with fixing Haiti?

Anonymous said...

Lap dog

Anonymous said...

Not just Clinton. You are being snippy. Everyone at every time was to fix that unfixable nation.

Anonymous said...

Allowing 40,000 Nigerians to come to the United States, he reportedly said, meant they would never “go back to their huts” in their home countries. And allowing 15,000 people from Haiti was a risk, he said, because they “all have AIDS.”

Anonymous said...

Trump never promised to fix Haiti.

Trump is right about the Nigerians. Many do live in huts. My own spouse lived in a "house" with no heating, a single bare light bulb and no running water. living in a hut you can still get a good K-8 education.

Trump is correct in pointing out that once they live in the US they would never go back except to visit relatives.

Your largesse towards non US citizens is touching.

Nearly 160 Million People Want To Move To The U.S. - Statista Infographic

Could we increase the population of the US over night or in 3 to 5 years and still maintain the same standard of living? How about the same life expectancy?

What if the population doubled in 10 years?

When you have something intelligent to say, then get back to the sane people.

Anonymous said...

"Not just Clinton. You are being snippy. Everyone at every time was to fix that unfixable nation."

If some people did not want to go into Haiti, it is because they learned from Somalia. There would be such constraint on what could be done and god forbids a marine fires back at a gang member. that marine would be court martialed to salve the conscious of idiot liberals.

I am not snippy. The problem is you have enough stupid in you to make 3 complete fools.

Anonymous said...

Haiti has a long and terrible record of chaos, dating back and caused by colonialism. I distinguish between immigrants who legally want to enter this country as so have done in the past, and those who want to be here without legal entry. Trump had nothing to say about Haiti except as usual to bad mouth an entire people in his usual racial rants. Is then by chance that he lost an election?

Anonymous said...


It is a multi-billion dollar industry for congress to declare people refugees for some reason and thus allow them in above the usual immigration cap.

They can be economic refugees or war refugees. International law is that refugees stop at after the cross the border of the 1st safe country. NGOs like Catholic & Luther Social Services would dry up and blow away if there wans't always some new emergency. Taking refugees even if you have to fly them for 1/2 way across the world is necessary for them to get their 6 figure pay check.

It is a scam. and you play your part. I am not for taking refugees unless their country adjoins ours. If you limit immigration, by market forces were would get $25/hour and 3% or lower employment for all races in America. But you are not for that. So I have to conclude that you are a racist or stupid. Or both.

I read a WSJ article about Haitians compared to blacks in NYC. the Haitians have a higher employment rate than African Americans. How is that? By word of mouth. news of job opening spread s fast. It originates by Haitians already working at factories or business. the area of New York was the Red Hook District. So I know there are good Haitians.

I have also read that in NYC the usual suspects, money grubbing Democrats, make cab medallions so astronomically high and try to prosecute Haitians, who start livery services. Those damn Haitians are resisting joining the plantation of Jim Eagle 2.0 led by Joe Biden and either racist Democrats.

Sure Trump is racist. That is why in the 1990s Jesse Jackson was giving him awards.

"This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear

"Haiti has a long and terrible record of chaos, dating back and caused by colonialism."

You should learn what a dampening factor is and how to use it in forecasting and other applications. I know you won't and their should be laws against people like you breeding.

"According to Armstrong there is ample empirical evidence that dampening trends in uncertain and complex long term forecasting helps improve accuracy/reduce forecasting errors."

Dampening is used a lot in science, but it is used in economics and other places.

"Of course the intellectual class did not notice this for many decades, as an intellectual is a highly educated man who can't do arithmetic with his shoes on, and is proud of the lack."

You could never live up to the following quote. you won't try:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

"Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house."

Anonymous said...

Applying "dampning" to Hati is bullshit. That place has long term economic social problems.

The last time that place ran with half decent efficiency is when the Marines controlled the place in the 20's. Even then it was a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Lot of places have large problems. I see you do not like to quantify things. You like to use qualitative terms so you can worm and weasel your way out if arguments.

The Dominican Republics is next door. Same island and they do not have near the problems.

Haiti's problems stem more form François Duvalier or Papa doc than what happened 200 years ago.

No reasons that in 1800 that Haiti could not sell sugar and be rich.

Counties have been leveled by war and done better than Haiti.

If you can model the outbreak of war with math, then you can do things like use a dampening factor.