Saturday, April 15, 2023

Finland Begins Constructing The First Section Of a 200-Kilometer Fence With Russia

Finnish border guards stand near a border fence with Russia in Pelkola, Finland, April 14, 2023. Photo by Janis Laizans/REUTERS  

Moscow Times/AFP: Finland Unveils First Section of Russian Border Fence 

Finland's border guard on Friday unveiled the first section of a 200-kilometer border fence with Russia being built after Moscow invaded Ukraine last year. 

Finland joined NATO just a week ago and its 1,300-kilometer border has also doubled the frontier between the U.S.-led military alliance and Russia. 

Three meters tall and topped with barbed wire, it will cost around 380 million euros ($417 million) and is due to be completed by 2026.

 Officials showed the construction site of the first three-kilometer section near the Imatra border crossing point in southeastern Finland. 

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WNU Editor: During the Cold War the Soviet Union put up the Iron Curtain. Decades later the West puts up a fence. 

Finland Begins Constructing The First Section Of a 200-Kilometer Fence With Russia  

NATO member Finland breaks ground on Russia border fence -- AP  

Finland starts fence on Russian border amid migration, security concerns -- Reuters  

Finland Starts Building Fence on Parts of NATO's Eastern Flank -- Bloomberg  

Europe’s new wall: Finland is building a 124-mile-long border fence to protect itself from Russia -- El Pais


Anonymous said...

I still can’t believe Finland joined NATO. For what reason? All they did was make themselves a nuclear target.

Anonymous said...

It is their choice, not yours. You are not even from Finland. MYOB

Anonymous said...

Gee, was it not just the other day some liberal lieing jackass on this blog said walls do not work?

I guess the Finns do not believe the Blob's narrative either.

Anonymous said...

WNU editor: "During the Cold War the Soviet Union put up the Iron Curtain. Decades later the West puts up a fence."

The difference being, of course, the former was constructed to keep people IN. The latter is being constructed to keep people OUT.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the Laps (Sami) with the reindeer herds. Last thing they need is a checkpoint. 🍄

Anonymous said...

Consider the Saami

Anonymous said...

let it go