Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Former US President Trump Faces A Maximum Of 136 Years In Jail!

Donald Trump, accompanied by members of his legal team, Susan Necheles and Joe Tacopina, appears in court for his arraignment. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly/Pool  

Daily Mail: Trump faces a maximum of 136 years in jail as unsealed indictment reveals 34 FELONY charges for 'catch and kill scheme' that included '$30,000 hush money to Trump Tower doorman who claimed Donald had a child out of wedlock' 

* Trump voluntarily surrendered to New York authorities in the Stormy Daniels probe in a historic moment 

* Asked how he pleaded to the 34 counts, Trump said: 'Not guilty' 

* Former president raised his fist in defiance as he left Trump Tower but refused to speak to reporters as he entered and left the courtroom 

Donald Trump pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to 34 counts of falsifying business records as he faced a New York judge - and became the first President of the United States to be arraigned and charged with a crime.

'Not guilty,' Trump said when asked how he pleaded. Trump, 76, sat alongside his defense team in the Manhattan courtroom with his hands folded on his lap and a stony-faced look for the unprecedented hearing in the Stormy Daniels hush money case.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The indictment is here .... Read the full indictment against Trump (AP). 

I have gone through the indictment, and it is hard to believe that it rises to a level where a person can face two lifetimes behind bars if convicted on all counts. What makes it worse is that this indictment provides little if any information and/or details. 

In a nutshell. The former President is being charged for falsifying business records where the lead witness is a convicted liar. And even though the statue of limitations for this "crime" has already passed, it is being presented because it conceals up to at least three other categories of crimes, crimes that DA Alvin Bragg is refusing to name?!?!?!? 

The world is watching, and from what I have seen so far, this is not a good day for American justice. 

The principal of no one being above the law is very important. Equally important is the principal that government officials cannot go beyond the law. 

In this case, it is hard to walk away not believing that some individuals in New York's legal system have made the decision to go beyond the law to convict a political opponent that they dislike.


Hans Persson said...

If he is innocent and later becomes President again...

Anonymous said...

God willing

Hans Persson said...

Well, this is the expressway to civil war. On the plus side the war in U will end very fast then.

Who thought this was a good idea? Had it been murder or something... Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Oddly reminiscent of 1917 Russia. As the courtiers are preoccupied with their various plots and power plays they're unable to see the ground falling out beneath them.

Anonymous said...

Second this

Anonymous said...

The Democrat party is destroying America & will probably cause a nuclear holocaust. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

"The Democrat party is destroying America & will probably cause a nuclear holocaust."

"Well, this is the expressway to civil war."

I am not a crackpot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like I said yesterday.

This case is bs.

All this is, is a political ploy to get him convicted on a felony charge so he is ineligible to run for president.

The amount of felonies is proof enough. I could see 5 felony charges or maybe even 10. Thirty five? Really? This is the old ......throw crap against the wall and see what sticks...... strategy. All they need is just one charge to stick..

Another point

It also shows a strategic attempt to make the court /trial time a long one.

Just say he gets convicted of one charge, just one, but it is sketchy.... Then when Trump appeals, they slow roll the systems until the election is over. Just as Planned.

You want proof of the blob????,,,,,,,,,,This is the Blob at work, pure and simple.

Anonymous said...

"where the lead witness is a convicted liar. And even though the statue of limitations for this "crime" has already passed,"

2 years before everyone realizes that the US is USSA and/or a Banana Republic

I just assumed that he slept with Stormy Underpants.

A first pass at understanding the facts and allegations around Trump’s arrest *UPDATED*

After reading Andrea Widburg's article I do not know for a fact that Trump did sleep with Storming underpants.

"In keeping with his image beginning in the 1970s, Americans knew Trump was not a virgin."

I just assumed that he had consensual sex. America did not hire a choir boy. Extramarital sex in America was decriminalized over half a century ago. Prostitution is as legal as marijuana was a decade ago. And the statute of limitation have lapsed.

(Also murder is legal in America. Kim Foxx said a Wild West shootout in broad daylight in Chicago was okay since it was a fair fight")

"It’s not unusual for very rich men to pay off he said/she said accusers as a nuisance cost because it’s easier than proving the “she said” lie in court (that is, less time, less money, less risk of a jury getting its generic revenge on rich people)."

I would like to see stats on the above statement. They would be hard to obtain I would think.

Bragg and Colangelo and others need to be disbarred.

Anonymous said...

34 felonies is one for each entry of payment to make up the sum of hush money. The prosecutor is overcharging on purpose.

"The 34 separate counts are achieved by making every allegedly unlawful ledger entry and payment to Cohen a separate indictment. If a Manhattan jury finds Trump guilty on all counts, he faces up to 136 years in jail. This is typical prosecutorial overcharging because if you can get the jury to sign on even one transaction, you’ve got a conviction—and juries like to play Solomon and split the baby (forgetting that it was wrong to split the baby and that Solomon only threatened to do so to suss out the truth)."

Claimed Big numbers impress rubes

Anonymous said...

There is a legal system. If you assume that a jury and a judge are biased against an elected official from a party that differs from yours, then you should assume that any charges against, say Hunmter Biden, et al are also not just. In sum: do away with the legal system.
I am not a person with a legal background. Nor are you. Nor are most if not all readers at this post.
The max penalty is nearly almost never given for such charges, and they are posted here as a scare. Additionally,we can assume a trial will be at least a year from now. In that time there are potentially 3 other very serious charges that go well beyond this one to confront. That will make a very big difference in how the public views Trump, how independent voters view Trump.
jusge notr, then, lest ye be judged by real judges and real juries.

Anonymous said...

Opinion We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

B.Poster said...


Anonymous said...

"If you assume that a jury and a judge are biased against an elected official from a party ..." - f*ckwit

We do not assume. We KNOW!

REVEALED: Committed Leftist Judge Juan Merchan Who Oversees Trump’s Sham Case in NYC Court Made Political Contributions to “Stop The Republicans” and “Biden For President”

Anonymous said...

I am not a person with a medical background. Nor are you

As such I am unqualified to clean a scrape, put hydrogen peroxide on the scrape and stick a band aid on it.

I am not a person with a auto-mechanic background. Nor are you

As such I am unqualified to change the cabin air filter of my car or check the oil level using the dipstick.

I am not a person with a medical background. Nor are you

As such I am unqualified to determine if someone is male or female. Just like BiDumb's SCOTUS pick.

911 look like he who shall not be named, but the usual tells are not there and the grammar is too good. Either way it does not matter. They are an undereducated idiot.

Anonymous said...

Under the DEMONCRATS the US has
-- spread pedophelic and satanic ambitions
-- got immensely indebted, losing world currency status in just 2 years
-- persecutes and harassed christians
-- lost most of its partners around the globe (we would even go to war against the US if you do not stop mutliating kids), so think about what you do very carefully -- we do not just "think" the democrats are demonic, we are willing to die fighting them
-- and much much more

Under a leadership of Demoncrats, I declare war on the US

Anonymous said...

For those with the time and the patience to spend some time, here is an annoyed list of the charges. This will explain exactly what is being charged against Trump and why:

Matthew Putnam said...

Professor Child pred Fred is a lawyer now?

Anonymous said...

Tells of a he who shall not be named imitator

here is an annoyed[sic] list of the charges

Andrea Widburg (Esq.)said the same thing as WNU and many other commentators. We all know the charges. Some of use get small amounts accounting and legal training in professional development. It is not like we are complete ingenues or anything like that. Although you play the ingenue except when lecturing like a t*rd leftist.

The New York Times may be printed in a broadsheet format, but make no mistake. It is a tabloid and worse it is not fit to be so much as cat litter

Anonymous said...

Mathew, you named he who shall not be named. I am not sure it is him. Like I said the grammar is too good and the usual worn out vocabulary is hot present. It could be s troll mimicking him. Anyone could link to his site.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, to whoever posted the demonic NY Times that tore this nation apart and lies everyone into countless wars:

I will not even click on that link you demon, this filth paper has to be stopped. It's dividing everyone along cultural, religious and even race and gender lines. You are committed to satan if you read the NY times

Anonymous said...

Calumny is not evidence, proof, or legal
evidence. Badmouthing a source or an individual in order to deflect from legitimate evidence is simply childish deflection. Try harder.

Anonymous said...

Trump Struggles to Defend Himself in Post-Arrest Mar-a-Lago Speech

Anonymous said...

Now the pig goes from quoting the New York Slime to the Rollingstone.

there might be good articles or authors in the Rollingstone, but I go by the author any more and jot the paper. For example I used to assume that the WSJ was good. Now I don't I go by author and even some of those have fallen. One of the top 4 authors who use to work for the WSJ used to seem like a wunderkind in my eyes. Now they are a joke.

So some jerk/troll linked to the Rollingstone and we are supposed to read it why?

To watch another train wreck?

Here is a Rollingstone train wreck

"A Rape on Campus" is a retracted, defamatory Rolling Stone magazine article written by Sabrina Erdely and originally published on November 19, 2014,"

Dude, if you want us to read a Rollingstone story at least suggest we get a lawn chair and popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Badmouthing is a go to Fred word.

Calumny is however not in Fred's vocab and too big of concept for him to wrap his mind around.

When you think of Fred and the English language, think of someone who makes Mrs. Biden look like an English language Einstein.

Matthew Putnam said...

Anyone who sounds like Fred but uses the coward "Anon" SN will be treated like Fred. Fred put himself in that position when he decided to concurrently use Anon and his own SN and play childish games in the comment section of a blog and do nothing more than troll. He started doing this when people started finding out about his exploitation of children to bring attention to his web page about a decade ago. He likes to spew froth and then come out to defend himself using Anon SN's when folks point out his larping democrat whataboutism and communist propaganda. "Roosting chickens in March (huh?), wait for the evidence when its his guy, the court system is perfect when his side holds the cudgel and they engage in judicial activism, ignore precedent and existing rule of law if its not his guy, censor and persecute orange man bad and his followers ReeEeEEEeee!!!!!!!" The man lived his life as an acute water stain and has less than a decade left.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you can't stand the truth so you say shit things about an author, a media account, a poster....any and all things but confront and refute what had been said. Try that!! I dare you.

Hans Persson said...

Dude, you can't see it?

Hans Persson said...

I have 0 faith in the "US" legal system. 0. Ever since i heard you execute innocent people on death roll. 0 faith.

It still continues to this day.

Zero faith.

Hans Persson said...

O.J. Simpson.

Hans Persson said...

The "US" even have an vice president that didn't even care about the legal system as an prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

The innocence project freed a murderer in Chicago. I would not count on the Innocence project as a gold standard.

The budding young muckrakers said a a teenager could not see the alleged murderer, because a support column was in the way. Except the column was part of a bleacher upgrade years after the murder. Oops.

Plus they did not contact all witnesses, they contacted just one.

In New York they freed 5 rapists. They said it was due to DNA. If a person is raped by multiple people they can have multiple DNA inside them, finding one person's DNA doesn't mean that other DNA is not in there. If you read about semen and p*nises in science magazines like Discover magazine, you know that semen will form plugs to prevent other semen from entering and that p*nises (cats) are shaped to rip other semen out so that other scan go in. If that happens in animals might it not happen in humans too? So just because you find someone's DNA does not preclude another person's DNA being there or had been there when the victim was forced to pull a train.

Anonymous said...

yea yea everything sucks but my personal favorite guy who lost the election bigtime and has told more lies in office than any president ever recorded.
so what does that tell you about ME--ask yourself

Anonymous said...

Dear Editor:
no one has gone "beyond the law." A gdand jury has found reasons to indict. A jury will later decide guilt or innocence. You have no basis for stating that the D.A. has gone beyond the law till all the evidence is made in court and a jury decides. Till such time, YOU have gone beyond the law.

Anonymous said...

tracking tells me that 12:38= 12:48 = doofus.

btw what is a gdand jury?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes , Great

verbal /language ploy " gone beyond the law"

Of course they do not go "beyond the law" you Dunce.

It is called manipulating the law

it is called
prosecutorial discretion.

We have gone over this before in the last month,

If the blob does not like you, you get hammered. Like trump

You are a card caring member of the blob, nothing happens to you. Lerner (IRS) , Hillary, Hunter, Pelosi and many others who have broken the law and absolutely nothing has happened to them, or they got a slap on the wrist.

The justice system is broke, dunce, you just cannot see it.

Hans Persson said...


I know and I agree that the Innocence Project might not be the best, but at least someone is doing something.

It just takes ONE innocent that gets executed. Then its fatally broken forever. There's no going back then.

Are you arguing that that has never happened in the "US"? I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

There is always alpha and beta (buyer and seller) risk in every process.

Matthew Putnam said...

12:48 is the most unintelligent person in this blog comment section. Always the same parroting and public masturbation. He may even be Child Pred Fred with his new law degree from ferris state. Guess he never peered into blacks law, missed the part on precedent acting as a foundation for future law (he would be first to bitch and call for the destruction of the system if Biden then later gets arrested for his countless array of disturbingly overt and well documented laundry list of high level crimes and gets convicted rightfully), he doesnt understand judicial activism and selective prosecution when his hive mind blends into the mob and the rolls are reversed. As the saying goes, you can indict a ham sandwich; Except this especially useful idiot confuses hunger with his emotional interpretation of reality. Good bois will good boi.

Anonymous said...


Your post at 1:46

Great comment. Brutal as always HAHAHAHAHA

Have a great day!

Hans Persson said...

Haha yeah, I wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end of Matt :P

Anonymous said...

you are a fool with class anxiety

Anonymous said...

for Christ's sake, try to say something that addresses issues. You do nothing but post girly snark shit badmouthing those you believe do not believe as you do. You do not have the whole truth. You have, though, your finger up your ass and your mind in netural.

Anonymous said...

He did address the issues.

Just not the way you like them

Anonymous said...

netural? is that some sort of sick, weird liberal thing?

Matthew Putnam said...

Hahahhahaha I will just leave your comment right exactly there. I addressed the issue with my previous comment at 1:46. As Hannibal Lecter said "If you cannot keep up with the conversation, best you dont join". Good boi just proceeds to accuse me of exactly what he just did and consistently does to others every day, and then walks away like he changed the world. More democrat larping. Thoughts and feelings as always. You cant argue with stupid.

Anonymous said...

statue of liberty will get its head blown off soon u fools that devil that statue

Unknown said...

What a beautiful day for America!