Monday, April 24, 2023

FOX News Fires Tucker Carlson


Daily Mail: Tucker Carlson 'blindsided by Fox News firing that was a direct order from Rupert Murdoch after Jan 6 conspiracy claims and producer's lawsuit alleging bullying, sexism and anti-Semitism' 

* Fox announced today that Carlson's last show was on Friday April 21st 

* He was the network's most successful host drawing in 3.5million viewers 

Tucker Carlson was blindsided by his firing from Fox News and learned of it on Monday morning shortly before it was announced, according to sources. 

In a shock announcement Monday, the network announced he would not be returning.

'FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor,' the network statement read. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am personally surprised that he lasted this long. As Glenn Greenwald points out in the tweet below, he was always pushing a message that many in Washington did not agree with and/or wanted the public to not know.


Anonymous said...

perhaps Glenn will get invited to Tucker's new digs on the island off Miami, where he just bought a mansion.

Anonymous said...

What a joke - they fired him in the same week of CNN firing Don Lemon.

Don Lemon is a fanatical racist, while Tucker is a very decent man. If Fox fired him, I was right to stop watching Fox like 2 years ago. They are getting worse, not better and firing Tucker - I don't believe these accusations for one bit - is a freaking joke.

Anonymous said...

Tucker will go to OAN i think. Rating at OAN will soar and Fox's will sink.

Not so big in Hannity anymore. Management got to him.

Fox still has the Five and Gutfeld, but they just took a hit and it is self inflected.

Anonymous said...

Guys, one thing --

the firing of Tucker - the number one television news anchor (by ratings AND viewer numbers he squashed any network).

If they fire him.. I'm telling you, they expect things to get worse in terms of state control.

Tucker was one of the very few last people who was still allowed on US television to openly and strongly call out the "elite" (from politics to military, culture and business).

It will also mean that Fox will become irrelevant for a large number of their viewers. They don't seem to care. They are getting their arms twisted or opted in to whatever control grid is coming next.

Related: Watch what's coming May 24, and how opposing state force is not cool, because Tucker would tell us viewers. The rest won't. Try to find it anywhere discussed by political leaders in the US, France, Germany.. in the UK the people can enforce this discussion - which a member of the parliament calls "the most important treaty" no one knows about and it will impact every single on of us. Full on tyranny, censorship.. a nightmare.

They are silencing the resistance.
Switch off Fox, find other sources. Talk to your neighbors and friends. At least about this 24 May treaty. It might save your and my life. It is that serious.

Anonymous said...

Tucker never said a sexist thing, never a racist thing.. he empowered everyone, let everyone speak.

That simultaneous firing of him and Don Lemon is to muddy the waters (ah yeah I heard both were sexists).. Murdock is done. Fox is done.

Fuck them both.

Anonymous said...


a lot what you say may be true and what is the deal with May 24th. Have no idea.

But I will say this you are exactly right.. Carlson was one of the few speaking the inconvenient truth to the masses who watch the MSM. Who now will take his place? No one , with that much candor.

Some here have said he is a fake or a front, if he was , at least there was one voice out there giving a different view.

The noose tightens on free thought and critical assessment. You are right, it is only going to get worse.

Hans Persson said...
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Hans Persson said...

Its never what people like Tucker did or said, its the feelings and opinions of others that matters.

And in this case, money.

Its never about the truth.

Anonymous said...

They fired him because of a rant he did last week.Fox is getting a lot of pressure from the courts and from their advertisers.
What is May 24th?

Hans Persson said...

Oh really?
So its a coincidence that they fired that Lemon dude over at CNN at the same time?
They fired one "radical" each. Obviously some people got told and agreed to tone stuff down during the obvious precarious times we live in at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Tucker was/is a racist and antisemite, a liar. He even lied when after being fired said they did not even send a higher up to discuss it. The channel answered that he turned down the offer of speaking to a higher-up about his being fired.
you sure will miss this guy. Perhaps he will invite you to his new expensive home he bought on an island off Miami.

Anonymous said...

Me bad: I made an error in a comment here. It was Don Lemon, not Tucker, who lied about how he got fired.
I do find it curious that Fox, a long time favorite, now has you turning against them because their chief liar got fired when the Owner lost a bundle of money for the lies told on his channel. Tucker now has this with Trump:
Both losers.

Anonymous said...

Key point to remember: Tuckor was fired because his private text messages showed that him and his producers internally called bullshit on Fox's election machine hoax that the network just took an $800 million haircut over. I see a lot of lefties try to reverse this, by saying that Tuckor was the one spreading the election machine lies (look at the comments above me) and Fox fired him because he cost them money. Their motivations are obvious and nefarious, but to anyone paying attention this was as much of a quitting as it was a firing. It's embarrassing to be associated with the kind of shit Fox was pushing and Tuckors text messages prove he wasn't on board with it at all.

Anonymous said...

Rarely watched FUX to begin with, even less now. Doesn't matter if their ratings are negatively affected. They'll just "pivot" to the Left, since profits are more important than ideology anyway. American "news" is a clownish shitshow.

Anonymous said...

6:31 go fuck your dog

Anonymous said...

Tucker is such a decent guy.

Anonymous said...

Carlson was the reasonable voice of wisdom & integrity on TV. Best of luck to Carlson for the future. FOX News is now part of the swamp. No point in watching FOX News anymore. Might as well tune into MSNBC & CNN for the same pro war leftwing propaganda......

Anonymous said...

Going in effect globally, May 24

God save us

Anonymous said...

Tucker will sign a huge deal like Joe Rogan did.

Anonymous said...

he who pays the fiddler calls the tune

Anonymous said...

You might like Tucker. You might not. But you seem here not to know the real reason Tucker got fired. If he was the top name in the Fox lineup, why would they fire him?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he who laughs laughs laughs or something like that.
Tucker is dating Lemon