Saturday, April 22, 2023

G7 Nations Considering Near-Total Ban On Exports To Russia

Japan Times/Kyodo: G7 considers almost complete ban on exports to Russia 

The Group of Seven countries are considering banning almost all exports to Russia, in an extension of the sanctions regime against Moscow for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine, a Japanese government source said Friday. 

Japan is set to host the G7 summit in May in Hiroshima, where discussions will take place on measures to expand support to Ukraine and strengthen sanctions on Russia among other key topics. 

The G7 countries have already stopped exports to Russia of a wide range of items, including products that can be used for military purposes and luxury goods. But the latest plan could expand the trade embargo to used cars, tires, cosmetic items and clothing, the source said.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: G-7 nations considering near-total ban on exports to Russia - Kyodo (Reuters) 

Update #2: G7 Allies Consider Outright Ban Of All Exports To Russia (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: I see this "consideration" as an acknowledgement by the West that sanctions have failed. But instead of maybe searching for an alternative policy, the G-7 is now doubling down on stupid with the hope that this will cripple the world's resource superpower.


Anonymous said...

How do we get rid of these fanatics who try to establish a new world order, fully ignoring realities on the ground and worse yet, committing yet another war "On our behalf".. and demonstrations are being attacked by Antifa who pretend to work against the state but work hand in hand with it, all the time.. just like during the summer of love, when Democrats used Antifa as their street thugs to whip the nation into fear of a rising nationalist movement. Yeah, because we do not want globalism the way you interpret globalism!

To us, globalism should respect national boundaries and not bomb countries for keeping the oil dollar in tact

Equally Russia should not have invaded Ukraine, but when "our leaders" openly lie about their NATO expansion - break their promises, i.e. cannot be trusted - and then on top do all this crazy empire shit we all don't want - then the Russians can be understood too.. our nations and our military and economic power is being taken hostage by a warmongering class that also wants to establish a so called "Great Reset", while at the same time they defend literal satanism in media, school, and culture.

I do not know fully what's going on, but our leaders are corrupt as fuck, lie so much - BIG LIES, mind you - about wars, vaccines, masks, 14 days to flatten the curve, everything.

We have leaders more and more start to understand betray and erode our culture, our heritage, and try to replace it with something that is similar to Marxism, but much worse - an AI powered grid, enslaving much of us with vaccine passports, forced injections (see the new WHO treaty - giving WHOs president - an unelected person who doesn't have to pay tax and might be involved in a prior human rights violation and mass murder case and corruption on top).. this guy might soon be able to legally overrule many Western countries decisions.. not sharing our faith, our believe what science is.. he will overrule every scientist by law and legal censorship if this goes through.

Our leaders are INSANE and SATANISTS!

Anonymous said...

For those who care and still want to stay alive - either inform yourself now or get force vaccinated with no more laws to protect you:

This is the UK parliament discussing the dangers, not some crackpot!

Anonymous said...

the dumping of bullshit is nonstop here. Most sane folks do not sit about to view crap on youtube that is from nutters.
you dislike our leaders? Trump and gang or Biden and gang. Or the past few regimes. Try being specific.

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM deflects.

Above poster provided a perfectly valid link.
Up to you to get informed or not what the UK parliament discusses now openly of what's going on.

A new system is put onto you while you look away or ask people for directions.

You have to start figuring things out yourself.
Mate, we are under attack. Stop standing in the way - watch the video and then HELP to come up with solutions. Some were provided here.

Anonymous said...

Summary of above link for those who really cannot spend 10min of their life on actually hearing what's going on first hand from the parliament:

1. A new treaty is proposed that gives the WHO, and specifically its president (a currently for human rights violations and mass murder inspected guy) to have even more power. !

2. The power is as follows: The president of the WHO, a supranational body, gets to decide what your own national leaders - who you elected to make choices for you - get to say, read and listen to. In short, a supranational body with a guy people call "butcher" is about to take over your personal health and your rights. And he establishes the legal manners for putting you in camps.

3. In short, WHO is taking over all nations and tells us to accept this, or else.

Idiot poster above did not even bother watching the video. I did.

Anonymous said...

Good comment

Anonymous said...

if you know, you know
we don't need no stinkin badges

Anonymous said...

Hey, as long as the camps are fully staffed with nurses, knowhatimean? Hubba- Hubba!

Anonymous said...

Sucks to be Finland