Monday, April 10, 2023

How Drones Are Being Used In The Russia - Ukraine War To Direct Artillery/Mortar Fire

WNU Editor: I find the above video to be "too clean" and choreographed to be genuine. But if the above video is genuine, it shows how drones are being used to spot and track the enemy while directing mortar fire. This is the future of ground warfare.


Anonymous said...

You remember that article last week that said the Russians had hit a NATO command post and killed quite a few NATO, maybe even American soldiers?

Well, look at this. Just so happens we got 9 bodies coming into Offut AFB. Said to be from WW2.

Maybe they are, then again Maybe not.

You have to admit, it would make a good cover story.

Anonymous said...



The uniforms are very clean. The bandage looks phony. Boots not heavy with mud. Hands too clean.

Probably a training film.

Anonymous said...

training for what? sad stuff

Hans Persson said...

Yes this is propaganda, what do you think?