Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán Says The U.S. Cannot Push Hungary Into War On The Side Of Ukraine


REMIX: PM Orbán says the US cannot push Hungary into war – the rest of Europe would be wise to follow his policy 

Constant attacks of the Hungarian government from U.S. Democrats do little to differentiate the U.S. from the bullying superpowers it seeks to distance itself from 

The relentless criticism by the Biden administration towards the incumbent Hungarian government is entirely disproportionate and unjustified, and does little to separate the current U.S. regime from the malign superpowers it seeks to distance itself from. Hungary’s leader recognizes this and is putting his own country’s interests ahead of those of the United States, a stance that Europe would be wise to follow. 

Despite pressure from the U.S., Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said his country cannot be pushed into joining the war on the side of Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Relations between the current U.S. and Hungarian administrations have certainly deteriorated .... Hungary's prime minister called U.S. a main adversary, leaked documents say (NBC).


Anonymous said...

They should not be pushing Hungary. Many countries joined the WW2 effort late. Since we do not need Hungary, there is no reason to push hard now. It will only anger them.

Ukraine needs combat aircraft more than Hungary's support at this time. However, Manchurian Candidate Biden has refused. It is as simple as stone paper scissors. If one side has and air force and the other side does not, the side with the air force is liable to win the stone paper scissors game over and over.

Now Demented Joe is so far gone that he cannot figure stone paper scissors, he is a Manchurian Candidate or he is afraid of escalation, because on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being the maddest, if we provide cF-16s Putin will get madder.

Joe is a coward except, when it comes to stealing elections, preventing him from mugging on the cameras or graft.

Anonymous said...

Good example of more US bullying. Fight my war and die for me you peasant country, or else. No wonder the world is starting to say enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Joe steals elelctions?
what a stupid comment
how many co0urts said the election was fair and just?
give evidence that he stole the election: I dare you try!
ok. If you are full of crap on that issue then we can assume all you say is total nonsense

Anonymous said...

Orban recently said that Hungary was interested in having a "sovereign state between Russia and Central Europe that we will, for the sake of simplicity, now call Ukraine." A short time later, he was photographed at a match involving the Hungarian soccer team wearing a scarf with an image of "Greater Hungary" — the territory covered by Hungary until the end of World War I, which included parts of modern-day Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Joe steals elelctions?
what a stupid comment

^ Deadhead Fred or a troll imitating Fred


3: A person regarded as dull-witted or sluggish.
3: a stupid or boring person; dullard.

Benford analysis dullard

Anonymous said...

How about the media and intelligence communities covering up crimes committed by the Biden family? How about framing Trump as a Russian spy? Didn’t we just get an article exposing how the 51 intelligence officials signing a letter pertaining to the laptop was a disinformation campaign started by Anthony Blinken? Biden used that in his campaign knowing it was a lie. Not a free and fair election at all

Anonymous said...

You forgot.

Dead head
Person who is a groupie of the music band The Greatful Dead.

Transportation slang.

Noun" Trip hauling no load.

Adjective. Driver or trainman on a deadhead trip.

Anonymous said...

I went to the dicitonary. I lined the dictionary entry. I used the definirion I wanted. I saw oll 7 to 10 defintiions depending on the dictionary used.

Nice try at a deflection. next time you may succeed

Anonymous said...

Noun" Trip hauling no load.

that one works to. there is a physical body carrying a brain and there is no load on the brain ... ever.

Anonymous said...

Good work sergeant. Derail the topic and change the subject to Corpse Biden. Your shift is over, I'll take over from here.

Anonymous said...

A Deadhead for those under a "certain age, " refers to followers of The Grateful Dead.
But god to see the girly boy is back and mommy finished changing his/her diapers.
Now try to say some mature instead of snippy name-calling that is your hallmark.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a sock puppet. If not a sock puppet, then 6:04 knows a cure for Biden's dementia, because they used it and it worked.

You are a very smug motherfracker, but not as bright as you think you are.

Hey fracker a noun or appellation can have more than one meaning So give it up.

Anonymous said...

Hungarians are good people

Anonymous said...

The Hungarians are correct to fight the power.