Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Leaked Pentagon Documents Outlines Four ‘Wild Card’ Scenarios In The Russia-Ukraine War

Red Square  

New York Times: A leaked document outlines four ‘wild card’ scenarios in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

A secret intelligence document obtained by The New York Times that was among those leaked on the internet this year provides insight into planning for contingencies one year into the war in Ukraine. 

The analysis by the Defense Intelligence Agency outlines four “wild card” scenarios and how they could affect the course of the conflict in Ukraine. The hypothetical scenarios include the deaths of Presidents Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, the removal of leadership within the Russian Armed Forces and a Ukrainian strike on the Kremlin.  

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WNU Editor: Here is my take on these four "wild card" scenarios.

The death of Putin will only mean the ascension of a hardcore leader. That person will probably be Patrushev Nikolai

If Zelensky should die. It is hard to say who will replace him. There will be many contenders to that job, but all of them will continue Zelensky's war policies and strategies. 

I do not see the complete removal of the Russian military leadership happening anytime soon. Certainly not in the middle of a war. 

The scenario that I do see happening is a Ukrainian military strike on the Kremlin. But this will only escalate the war, and it will also change Russian rules of engagement to now directly target the Ukrainian leadership. 

My biggest fear/scenario is that Ukraine uses a dirty bomb that will make Red Square and the area surrounding the Kremlin a no-go to place for generations. In this nightmare scenario Russia will respond with nuclear weapons against Ukraine, and will launch conventional military strikes against NATO military sites that are providing intelligence/logistical/and hardware support for Ukraine's war efforts. 


Anonymous said...

Do you see Putin using dirty bomb?

Anonymous said...

The biggest wild card is what if China goes for Taiwan. If that happens the US will immediately witdraw everything it has in Europe. Especially if the first clashes are costly and a sense of panic grips DC. If that happens its not just Ukraine no longer getting material support but Ukraine no longer getting any money. An army fights on its stomach.

Dave Goldstein said...

If 4 happens all hell will break loose. It's close now anyway, gps's are being blocked. If china attacks taiwan the markets worldwide will shutdown. no food, no meds,no computers, no cell phones, list is endless.

fazman said...

If anyone uses a dirty bomb it will be putin letting it off in red square as a false flag

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol yeah boomer logic in full effect

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...