Sunday, April 23, 2023

Pentagon Leaks Say Afghanistan Has Become A Terrorism Staging Ground Again

Washington Post: Afghanistan has become a terrorism staging ground again, leak reveals 

Less than two years after President Biden withdrew U.S. personnel from Afghanistan, the country has become a significant coordination site for the Islamic State as the terrorist group plans attacks across Europe and Asia, and conducts “aspirational plotting” against the United States, according to a classified Pentagon assessment that portrays the threat as a growing security concern. 

The attack planning, detailed in U.S. intelligence findings leaked on the Discord messaging platform and obtained by The Washington Post, reveal specific efforts to target embassies, churches, business centers and the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament, which drew more than 2 million spectators last summer in Qatar. Pentagon officials were aware in December of nine such plots coordinated by ISIS leaders in Afghanistan, and the number rose to 15 by February, says the assessment, which has not been disclosed previously.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: ISIS using Afghanistan as staging ground for terror plots after US withdrawal: report -- FOX News  

Update #2: ISIS using Afghanistan as terror base after US withdrawal, docs from alleged leaker Jack Teixeira reveal -- NYPost  

WNU Editor: Why am I not surprised.


Anonymous said...

They may stage it there but it does not go international without support from Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

Here we are giving Russia a hard time for not capturing Bakmut in a year but we couldn’t defeat a bunch of cavemen with “0” AirPower or support in over 15 years! What’s up Doc?

Anonymous said...


No, 7th century throwbacks armed by Iran and Pakistan. Obama had his surge and when it did not work he put Afghanistan on the backplate on simmer.

Sun Tzi could have predicted the US would lose. Pakistan was part of the enemy alliance ans we never acknowledge it much less took steps to defeat Pakistan.

Know you enemy. We never acknowledge the enemy. Smug in DC.

Anonymous said...

"Bush, Obama And Clinton Partner With Corporations, and Soros’-Funded NGO To Fly Migrants Into US Interior"

I am done with Bush. the whole thing with "We are senatorial class and we stick together" is taken for a ride by the Democrats and the buffoons are the whole Bush family.

Trump is not perfect. So why Trump?


The Bushes,
Mitt Romney,
Romney's niece Ronna McDaniel,
Paul Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Stage in Afghanistan and plan by the US.

Anonymous said...

It is all about destroying your standing all around the World
And destroying your borders and economic and energy strength, supply chains..
Biden is full on helping them

Anonymous said...

If you think we are unaware of Pakistan, its nukes, and its terror groups then you are not reading proper sources for what is going on.

Anonymous said...

This is something to perhaps encourage, from the perspective of those who want to see the Chinese in-roads into Afghanistan fail.

Anonymous said...

If you think we are unaware of Pakistan, its nukes, and its terror groups,,,

and we did nothing about it,

Show me where an American DIPlomat had so much as a sharply worded letter to his Pakistani counterpart from 2001 to 1020.

Anonymous said...

You would do well to explore these facts:
a. Pakistan has nukes
b. they are not accessible to the US for inspection or any other thing.
c. We send them money as aid to have those nukes protected against domestic terror groups.
d. We are not about to do anything to harm Pakistan because of those nukes.
e. When we took out OBL we made sure Pakistan was unaware of our plan