Monday, April 17, 2023

Pentagon Orders Heightened Security Procedures At All U.S. Navy Installations

ABC News: Heightened security procedures set at all U.S. Navy installations 

PENSACOLA, Fla. -- Heightened security procedures have been set at all U.S. Navy installations Friday. 

NAS Pensacola and all other U.S. Navy installations have been directed by higher authorities to set a heightened security posture. 

DoD identification card holder escorting privileges are still permitted.

Individuals should expect delays at both NAS Pensacola gates at this time.  

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WNU Editor: I do not know if this increase in security at US naval installations is due to current exercises that are being conducted, intelligence warnings, or geopolitical tensions, but it is clear that the US Navy is concerned enough that they want more security.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they found something during this bust?

Anonymous said...

At this point I hardly care. People were warning of China 10 or 15 years ago. If you are a statesman you want to forecast 10 or more years ahead in foreign affairs and national ones. If you are a politician and not a statesman, if there is very little or no overlap, you are probably in politics for the money and are shortsighted.

When Trump talked about the trade deficits with China and unfair practices, very serious and learned pundits with dour faces and British accents told us that he was wrong.

"Report: America Lost 2.7 Million Jobs to China in 10 Years From 2001 to 2011"

"America lost millions of jobs due in part to Chinese currency manipulation."

They kicked the can down the road, were bribed by China, or were focused in internecine warfare to do anything until now.

Even now a group of Senators (Republicans too) want to cut Trump era tariffs for Chinese goods.

The illegal police station is a big deal? Is it or is it just because they want to make it a big deal.

How long has it been operating?
How long has American intel known?

I think it is a big deal. I also think it is a big deal for Washington belatedly. So I am not impressed.

Someone told me that so and so might have changed their citizenship, but that it would not matter in the eyes of their former country. They said this in the early 1990s. They were right.

Were the illegal cops of the illegal police station protecting the residents of china town form predation by outsiders? Maybe. Maybe a little. But that was probably not their main concern. Was it developing intelligence assets? That is major concern, So why wait so long to shut it down? Sometimes you leave spies in place and follow them and it sometimes makes sense. Maybe this is what was done. Maybe.

Maybe the Chinese wanted eye s on in NYC to keep tabs on transnational gangs that span China to the US. Maybe. But that can also be done above board.

Anonymous said...

Its getting 2 my headaches