Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Pentagon Says 77 Percent of Military-Age Americans Are Too Fat Or Too Mentally Ill For Service

US Army  

PJ Media: Pentagon Study: 77 Percent of Military-Age Americans Too Fat, Mentally Ill for Service 

According to a recent Pentagon study, the state of America’s youth is not conducive to military service. 

Via American Military News:  

A Pentagon study revealed that 77 percent of young Americans do not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, drug use, or mental or physical problems.

“When considering youth disqualified for one reason alone, the most prevalent disqualification rates are overweight (11 percent), drug and alcohol abuse (8 percent), and medical/physical health (7 percent),” the Pentagon’s 2020 Qualified Military Available Study of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 read.

Read more ....  

Update: 77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, Pentagon study finds (American Military News).  

WNU Editor: To be fair. This has been a problem for a long time. Here is a study from 2013 saying basically the same thing .... Pentagon Says More Than Half Of The US Military Is Overweight (Business Insider).


someone said...

To be honest this is only a problem because of existing standards.If they dropped the standards back to 1960 75% of everyone that is considered useless would be acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Just hope they're able to get the guy in the foxhole next to you his insulin shots before you have to carry his ass out.

Anonymous said...

“A Pentagon study revealed that 77 percent of young Americans do not qualify for military service.... the most prevalent disqualification rates are overweight (11 percent), drug and alcohol abuse (8 percent), and medical/physical health (7 percent),”

Something doesn't add up here. 11% + 8% + 7% = 26%, not 77%

Anonymous said...

What a joke

Anonymous said...

"Something doesn't add up here. 11% + 8% + 7% = 26%, not 77%"

Many journalists suck at math.

11% I think is failed solely for weight and so forth. The people who check more than one check box make up the rest. A Venn diagram would have made this very clear. A pie chart or other graphic could have done the same.

The fault could be that of the management and what their expectations are of staff or what they are willing to spend on software.

There are big bucks spent on graphics when it comes to homicide and other topics. so occassionally they get off their duff when they want to message.

Hans Persson said...

Wait.. hold on here, i thought mentally ill was an requirement today.

This article might be taken as they want to include more mentally ill persons beside trans and all that.

Anonymous said...

More than half of trans people have or were diagnosed with mental illness before coming out or being pushed into trans.

Many trans people are on the autism spectrum.

If is funny how Chief /Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson can not define what a woman is, but teachers can demand that your child be on Ritalin. a teacher may have had 1 or 2 child psychology course in college and they may have paid attention enough to retain a little after graduating, but you hear parents claiming that so and so teacher said their kid could not come back until they were on Ritalin.

Hans Persson said...

I agree. Can't vote or drink alcohol because you're too young to understand anything. But do a very dangerous surgery in the name of "gender change" at 10 years old or younger is totally ok. Even applauded.

Hans Persson said...

And yes, it appears that many of them are misdiagnosed autistic children.

Anonymous said...

top fucking bitchin and sign up and see if you can meet any kind of standard. all you want to do is dump low-life shit here.

Anonymous said...

In Germany ins the 50s or 70s, middle school students could drink beer at the bar.

There was a picture in my German book relating how 6th graders or something enjoyed a good beer at the end of the school day. Then they changed the law.

I have a problem with anyone drinking alcohol due to methylization of DNA from alcohol breakdown products or byproducts. Other than it is the usual problems of excess that needs to be worried about.

Germany does seem to have an alcohol problem. I was looking up the legal age and when it was changed.

If they ran alcohol drinking like the do in the military it could help kids get good grades. Water down a little. Give them chits and take away their privileges of they have poor grades or are otherwise in trouble.

Anonymous said...

No, they have every right to "bitch".

If you are going to have an Army and pay for that Army, you are allowed to expect that Army to have a level of competency..

The American army is not meeting the highest levels of competence, because it is lowering its entrance standards. This lowering of standards to meet progressive diversity guidelines is a fact. They are enlisting people who are fatter, weaker and less mentally stable than what they used enlist just to 4- 5 years ago. Then you have all the bs programs and policies that the Service has put into place to accommodate this lower standard personnel. Diversity makes you stronger is crap. Competence, discipline and strength make you strong, not your mythical thinking of gender identification or trying to pawn off falsehoods that fat people or weak people can perform just as well as a normal, fit, 22 year male.

Anonymous said...

The study here lists those who are civilians but not fit to serve. The editor cites a military study that focuses on those already in the military There is a substantial difference between what we have and what we might have to be in the military.

Anonymous said...

Yes, The rot has set in. And the rot will get worse as time goes on.

The military caved in to CRT training, BLM worship and Trans / gender identity politics. It will only get worse.

Death by 1000 paper cuts buddy, It has been the left's tool since the Communist Revolutions in Imperial Russia. Marx, Gramsci, Lenin, and now the whole democratic progressive movement in the US. It is always the same. destroy from within.

Hans Persson said...



i'm not saying that people shouldn't sign up, i'm saying what 12:59 did so eloquently.

Anonymous said...

I am a vet, over 20 years worth.


With today's military?

You can say "do not join up: all you want.

It is what I and many other veterans tell their kids and anyone else who askes.

Hans Persson said...

I think every man should do the bare minimum of 12 months of service.

Here in Sweden we used to have a saying, I don't think its used anymore due to PC, but when it was my time the thinking was generally that it makes men out of boys. They learn how to make the bed in the morning.

Ever since that went away I've only seen a steady decline in .everything.

Hans Persson said...

Hell, when I last was in Stockholm in the train central, I was watching some fairy pink haired gang openly making fun of two conscripts waiting for a train.

Anonymous said...


At one time, I would have fully agreed with you.

That was , and I mean WAS the American military.

This woke crap and promoting people based on wokness is ideological trash. And as a vet, I can tell you one of the unvarnished truths..... it is criminal.

Telling people that diversity is some kind of magic bullet that replaces toughness ,discipline and competency is pure, 100% BS.

Th e military is not GM, IBM , Coke a Cola or MicroSoft

Meritocracy is the key to military success, not mediocracy..

Anonymous said...

Yep, In the US, God forbid one of those conscripts would have punched out Mr pink.

The conscript would have been charged with White racism

Anonymous said...

with due respect, you lads had training, etc. but when was the last war Sweden fought?
your notion of serving as a useful tool for uniting a nation is sound.But that might be national service non military and/or military service.

Anonymous said...

Fat Slobs

Must be milleys kids

Hans Persson said...


In Sweden we use the army in forest fires, searches, flooding etc. Emergency stuff and that happens more often than you think.
It's a tool like anything else.

What I'm after is that if the youth don't have a baseline, we end up with pink haired fairies that without hesitation wants to send troops to Ukraine for example, because they haven't a clue whats its about.

Anonymous said...


what they don't understand, is , If used right that the military can be a great tool to teach people maturity , discipline and attention to detail. A growing up type of experience.

Hans Persson said...

That was the thought when I grew up.
The idea that the Russians somehow would just bypass all nordic countries just to get Sweden was just a running joke, but still something that we always had in mind. The guidebook for survival in the military was always using the Russians as the enemy.

Every father was proud of their sons for completing the service and that was something all boys wanted.
My big brother did everything, even got into the Royal Lifeguard at the castle in Stockholm. The whole town was talking about that.

I cant even tell today what's up with that because there's no longer a mandatory service.
The more I think of this the more sad I get.

I hope we all get thru this.

Anonymous said...

Until rich kids join, stay the hell out

Hans Persson said...

At the time that didn't matter, everyone was equal to the drill sergeant. That's the beauty of mandatory service.

But I get your point.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha hires soldiers from Brazil which is better

Anonymous said...

people your sins created all governments u fools soon you will fall to the devils