Saturday, April 15, 2023

Poland And Hungary Suspends Food Imports From Ukraine

A truck waits at a grain terminal during barley harvesting in Ukraine's Odesa region in July 2022.  

Reuters: Poland, Hungary ban grain and food imports from Ukraine; Kyiv unhappy 

WARSAW/BUDAPEST - Poland and Hungary have decided to ban imports of grain and other food from neighbouring Ukraine to protect the local agricultural sector, the two governments said on Saturday, after a flood of supply depressed prices across the region. 

Ukraine expressed regret about the Polish decision, saying that “resolving various issues by unilateral drastic actions will not accelerate a positive resolution of the situation”. 

After Russia’s invasion blocked some Black Sea ports, large quantities of Ukrainian grain, which is cheaper than that produced in the European Union, ended up staying in Central European states due to logistical bottlenecks, hitting prices and sales for local farmers.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Slovakia has also banned Ukrainian grain .... Slovakia has Banned the Processing and Sale of Ukrainian Grain (Novinite). 

Poland And Hungary Suspends Food Imports From Ukraine  

Poland prohibits food imports from Ukraine to soothe farmers -- AP  

Poland suspends food imports from Ukraine to assist its farmers -- Al Jazeera 

Poland to ‘temporarily ban’ Ukrainian grain imports -- RT


Anonymous said...

At the end of the day you take care of your own first. U.S. has forgotten this, here we seem to take care of others first. Such is globalism

Anonymous said...

I for one consume nothing but einkorn wheat, barley, and vetch.

Anonymous said...

wrong above
capitalism: make cheap as you can and sell and realize better profits.

Anonymous said...

This grain is being exported West instead of south, because Russia mined shipping lanes in the Black Sea.

While there is an agreement Russia's war crime slowed down shipping. This mining caused the knock on effect.

Russia should be sued by Hungary and Poland.

Poland should let the grain through and pass into Western Europe or to Baltic Ports.

Normally a bulk items like grain are floated down rivers on barges to ports where grain ships take it around the world. Water is the cheapest transportation. Russia's war of aggression has screwed everything up.

Netherlands needs the grain, since the Green A_$$hles/Democrats are banning faming in that country.