Sunday, April 16, 2023

President Biden Says The Military And Intelligence Community Will Take Steps To Secure Sensitive Information

Photo: BiksuTong via  

The Hill: Biden: Military, intelligence community taking new steps to secure sensitive info 

President Biden on Friday said the military and intelligence community will take steps to secure sensitive information in the wake of the arrest of the suspected leaker of hundreds of Pentagon records. 

“While we are still determining the validity of those documents, I have directed our military and intelligence community to take steps to further secure and limit distribution of sensitive information, and our national security team is closely coordinating with our partners and allies,” Biden said in a statement.  

Read more ....  

Update: Biden Announces New Actions On Secret Documents After 'Embarrassing' Leak (Epoch Times)  

WNU Editor: No details on what steps will be taken to secure sensitive information.


RussInSoCal said...

Maybe reducing the massive number of people who have a top secret clearance from 1,300,000 to say, a few hundred?

Anonymous said...

Bunch o crap. Sensitive information SHOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN SECURED ya morons

Anonymous said...

Gonna push through the restrict act to spy on such threats as political rivals.

Anonymous said...

The steps under this demonic regime are always the same:

Partner with Main stream media to form a narrative that is then propagated to the entire population. They can mass blanklet 70% of the population with their lies.
Then they will arrest a young 21yr old whistleblower, a hero, a patriot, and call him a leaker.

He uncovers crimes perpetrated by this rogue demonic government, is called a leaker, and the mass population cheers it on.

Until this demonic alliance between CNN, NYTIMES, WAPO, NPR and how they are called, is broken, this unholy war is continuing, and destroying your and my values.

Arrest the Biden regime.
Trial them.
Hang them publicly, for all to see.
Mark the day in your calendar.
Restore your values, and let school children piss on the graves of these tyrants.


They are edging us to WW3, while not declaring a war, and then arrest the people who come to warn us of this unauthorized war, this mass murder crime!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are a very disturbed person!
hang yourself as an example of a selfie

Ron said...

He should keep all of our secrets in his garage next to his Corvette. I heard Biden say they keep the door shut. No lie. You think he is kidding.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, I agree with 6:34. IDK, about public hangings.....

Anonymous said...

Finally, Joe's garage is going to get a security upgrayd!

Ron beat me to it.