Thursday, April 20, 2023

Russia Expands War Recruitment Drive With New Video Ads


Reuters: Russia expands war recruitment drive with video ad calling for 'real' men 

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military has launched a video campaign to lure more professional soldiers to fight in Ukraine which challenges those interested to show they are "a real man" and swap what it casts as hum-drum civilian life for the battlefield. 

The ad, set to stirring music, follows a report from British military intelligence and Russian media reports that suggest Moscow is seeking to recruit up to 400,000 professional soldiers - on a volunteer basis - to bolster its forces in Ukraine. 

The ad has so far been released on major Russian social networking sites. Russia, which says it is prosecuting what it calls "a special military operation," does not disclose full casualty figures. But up to 43,000 Russians have been killed in the war so far, according to a recently leaked estimate from the U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: 'You're a man, act like one': Kremlin releases slick new army recruitment ad -- The Telegraph  

Update #2: Russian Social Media Flooded With Army Recruitment Ads – Report -- Moscow Times  

WNU Editor: My cousins in Moscow and St. Petersburg tell me that I will not recognize the place when I come back. In the past few months the war is now everywhere. On billboards, TV stations, radio, and newspapers.


Anonymous said...

I bet it's a hell of a lot more effective than the woke recruitment ads Milley is approving.

Anonymous said...

Putin offering a free bottle of vodka monthly
do not like America? move

Anonymous said...

Sounds like desperation… what happened to the 500 k they just called up??.. oh that’s right 😵

Anonymous said...

One of the measures of the decline of America is that in WWI the graduating classes of Ivy League universities volunteered, then in WWII they were drafted, and after that they never served again.

So, what percentage of the last graduating class of Moscow State University has volunteered? All those security guards and gym instructors who are volunteering will need good leaders!

Anonymous said...

I just don't like you. Move.

Anonymous said...

psycho alert

Anonymous said...

they will need foreigners because the country's military is not as good as it presents itself, they are psychologically lacking to fight in vain for the subordinate homeland

Anonymous said...

Ivy League are rich kids, not smart kids