Sunday, April 23, 2023

Russian President Putin And Saudi Crowm Prince Salman Discuss OPEC+ Cooperation And Other Key Issues By Phone

FILE PHOTO. Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. © AFP / Sputnik / Alexey Nikolsky  

RT: Putin and Saudi crown prince discuss OPEC+ deal – Kremlin 

The two sides expressed “satisfaction” with the cooperation aimed at “ensuring global oil market stability” Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held a phone conversation on Friday, the Kremlin press service has said.

The two leaders discussed various issues, ranging from cooperation in the oil market to efforts in resolving “regional crises” in the Middle East. 

The parties discussed several key topics on the bilateral agenda, with an emphasis on further expanding mutually beneficial ties in trade, economic cooperation, investment and energy,” the Kremlin readout said. 

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Update #1: Putin discusses OPEC+ deal in call with Saudi Crown Prince, Kremlin says (Reuters)  

Update #2: Russia’s Putin, Saudi Crown Prince discuss OPEC+ cooperation (Bloomberg)  

WNU Editor: The phone call was initiated by Saudi Arabia.


Jac said...

With the unwilling help of sleepy Joe.

Anonymous said...

In my life I've seen all the pettiness and stupidity which have culminated in this.