Saturday, April 22, 2023

Russia's Billionaires Are Getting Richer

The superyacht Nord, reportedly owned by the sanctioned Russian oligarch Alexei Mordashov, is docked in the far eastern port of Vladivostok, Russia March 31, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/REUTERS PHOTOGRAPHER)  

Reuters: Russian billionaires see wealth rise to over half a trillion dollars, Forbes Russia reports 

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's richest people added $152 billion to their wealth over the past year, buoyed by high prices for natural resources and rebounding from the huge loss of fortunes they experienced just after the Ukraine war began, Forbes Russia said. 

Russia has 110 official billionaires in the list, up 22 from last year, according to Forbes' Russian edition, which said their total wealth increased to $505 billion from $353 billion when the 2022 list was announced. 

The list would have been longer had not five billionaires - DST Global founder Yuri Milner, Revolut founder Nikolay Storonsky, Freedom Finance founder Timur Turlov, and JetBrains co-founders Sergei Dmitriev and Valentin Kipyatkov - renounced their Russian citizenship, Forbes said.  

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Update #1: Russian billionaires see wealth rise to three-quarters of a trillion dollars in past year (ABC News Australia)  

Update #2: Russia minted 22 new billionaires last year, even as the West slapped sanctions on the country to try to cripple it financially (Business Insider)  

WNU Editor: It is not only the Russian billionaires who have recovered from the imposition of Western sanctions. Through family, friends, and the business contacts that I know in Russia, I have been told bluntly that all businesses (small, medium, and large) have mostly transitioned away from the West and are now focused on the domestic market, and to do business with the growing Asian and Middle Eastern economies.


Anonymous said...

Look, everyone who has done some basic computational modeling before (not even at AI/ML level, just basic markov or monte carlo stuff) knows that our leaders cannot be that stupid to not know what their actions would cause on the financial and other markets.

They are doing this intentionally.
They increase on purpose our costs of living (making us poorer and more dependent on them and more angry - they are causing destabilisation of our socities by empoverishing the lower income class even more, while at the same time telling them that white people are bad)

This is a coordinated attack, and it is only possible because our leaders - from media to science, military, education and finance - are playing into this. Looks top down coordinated at the highest level. Almost all of mainstream media did favours for the left in covering up a lot of shit. And now we have a compromised leadership in key places who work to destroy our nations to usher in this fanatical great reset that looks like feudalism with marxism and facism mixed up.

Anonymous said...

My bet is that they know we are trillions in debt - and this debt - from stupid, costly wars (trillions!) to weakening your own economy and energy infrastructure (trillions!) to devaluating the dollar (trillions!) with the federal reserve program WHILE the majority of the population throughout the decades has protested against all of this - despite the programming through media, which made this shit acceptable in the first place.

Look. No one knows how much we have been misled, but if you look at the patterns and the direction we are going and how it is accelerating, I would not be surprised that this great reset as they call it is really becoming unavoidable by 2030 if we keep them in place. And they (the WEF, Davos group) have publicly stated what this great reset will look like - and when, i.e. by 2030, they say we own nothing anymore, no freedom, no property, no privacy, no bodily autonomy, no rights, no free speech, no guardianship over over children.

And they worship AI over God. That they all have in common, if you listen to them. They have no faith in humanity, why are they leading us then, just what drives them?

I never believed in demonic powers, but if its outcome is indistinguishable from the end of free mankind, then by God, I start to believe in evil, and they are it.

They must be defeated, but we have to do it peacefully, by the law. And the media bares a special responsibility in this and must be held accountable first and foremost and quickly - as the lies and programming are being propagated through this - top down. I bet the newsanchors believe in what they say, but they live in a bubble - often coked and methed up if you know the history of CNN and all these so called "leaders" and "unbiased" reporters lol give me a break. But still, they don't see the bigger picture, they are busy with their stories that the chief editor picks and he gets his marching orders from e.g. Zucker (two levels up) through an intermediary. They don't know what they cause. They think they are righteous and do not know we live - have been living - through 5th general warfare - with the goal of full-spectrum dominance (Great Reset, super spy and surveillance and censorship state), see e.g. Metaverse and Facebook's long relation to DARPA and other deep state actors.

And everyone should start reaching out to friends, family, neighbours, and even colleagues you are a bit more friendly with. Help them understand and prepare! Build a strong network, diversify your savings, arm yourself (where legal), train - get healthy.. make sure you have energy, gas, oil, batteries, generators, fire, etc.

They are hell bent on this shit and are not stopping until we stop them or they have reached their goal.

Not saying shit will go down for sure, but believe me you will feel better ,and it's the right and smart thing to do.

Good luck, all!

Anonymous said...

Here a good prep list

Start with
-- Food for every person in your household that lasts you at least 2 weeks, including water and all necessary elements (vitamins, supplements, protein, etc etc)
-- Basic medication you need, e.g. if you have diabetes and you are dependent on your injections, but also store some antibacterial, antiinflammatory and basic pain medication etc..
-- Energy: Electricity, generators, oil, gas, whatever it is.. and tons of lighters, matchsticks, candles etc.. when this gets a bit hotter, the next thing will be cities targeted with cyber

A bit later, once you have established the above core elements of survival

-- Increase your food storage, add stuff you could take with you quickly, e.g. protein bars, maps, compass etc - if cyber gets hotter, spreads more widely assume communication and nav grids to go down, pretend you live in the 1950s

-- Communication: Cell networks and wifi will go down, and landlines are very rarely accessible by now - avoid phone booths, distracted people are an easy target and standing in line is not what you should do if the communication network goes down for even a minute. At this point you should grab your get-outta-here bag

-- Get-the-fuck-outta-here bag: When shit hits the fan have a bag or two ready (depending on mode of transportation even more) that you can move quickly with but has all the essentials to get you out of the area you currently reside in, to likely a more remote location -- think about what you need to trade with to also establish security partnerships and not just maintain yourself. Protection, weapons, and strong partnership and alliance building is critical at a point when people leave cities < not because it might be doomsday, but just because you might fall victim to a mob. You need to be fast, have a good leader/team of leaders and ideally be high in numbers by then (do not travel in small groups.. team up.. family, friends, colleagues, neighbours).. and to be able to have such a fast moving network that also can carry its weight, you need to start to slowly educate them - without panicking them or sounding like a crazy person :)

Anonymous said...

And then, at the luxury level, sort of WNU style - have your own gettaway place.
I hope you realize that our own blog-owner, WNU, has his gettaway place. And a plan to get there, and knows who to take along.

Be smart.. don't be a beta male - this is for alphas (and strong women) to lead now. We are talking beyond cuba crisis, because during cuba crisis we didn't have such a geopolitical restructuring actively in place while at the same time a great financial crisis while at the same time the onset of AI while at the same time some very anti-humanistic forces at play and at very highest levels who we know from documentation have ritualistic, occult events where they sacrifice human-like dolls among other things and swear to secrecy.

And during the cuba crisis we, the West, didn't have a leadership that seems to have been compromised to the extreme (what could be worse than pedophilia, rape and murder?), or does anyone here believe Epstein's prison cameras were just accidentally switched off while he was on suicide watch even and then dies in such a weird way - without guards being awake of course - that looks like he got strangled by a 6foot guy, who also happens to share his cell prior, come on.

What about the Lolita express? Why was Bill Clinton and other people in science, politics, finance and media on this plane - some several times - and on that pedophile island that looks like an occult temple built by insanely rich people?!

Anonymous said...

Not saying they are all guilty.. I bet many just went there because they hoped for investment (Epstein was a fake investor who had access to billions and billions somehow).. so there was definitely an element of just compromising them through guilt of association.. but then again, there are A LOT of children being proactively smuggled through the Mexican border up North into the US, and no one keeps track of them. And there is a long-lasting rumor how the self-proclaimed "elite" do these things and how they look away when it spreads - in many nations there are huge pedophile and sex-trafficking scandals involving the ruling class - from media to science, investment, hollywood, and yes, politics

And we know - and the Chinese bragged - when Biden got into office how happy they were because they have him in their hands. Openly bragged about it. And we know about hunter biden and the whole biden family and what Biden did to his daughter (in her own writings).. I mean.. we gotta face it at one point and ideally not wait till its inevitable or too late.

We should not allow such creatures to be our role models, or lead our nations. They have no faith, no morale code, we cannot go to war with any nation like this. They have mislead us so often that it is a national security issue to remove them in order to more credibly protect us.

And I do not think that these people would have a trustworthy election.. the last one was shady as fck already.. with pollsters being harassed, 6foot covid rule that was often extended to 20 feet making the poll watching process a mockery, barricaded windows to keep the press out.. it was insane

Anonymous said...

stop the whining!
it is simply
a. late-stage capitalism
b. late stage communism

the disparity between the Haves and the Have shits has been going on since the Industrial Age. It is simply speeding up.
you could, as one person here said, prepare and pack, etc but face it: you are not going anywhere and you are not doing anything but bitching on web sites. When that is done, wipe yourself and do as you are told!

Anonymous said...

Only a (part-time) demon would tell you demons do not exist. ;)

Describe to me what Joe Biden is without using the word "corrupt".

Any honest description of Joe Biden must - as part of his character - include the word "corrupt".

Anonymous said...

To 1:34:

What is more reckless than in a time of clear and present danger to tell readers here not to prepare and not to talk to your community members (neighbors and family) and not to do anything?

Stop demoralizing us. The points above are all sane and you are the out outlier here in your passivity and tell us this is just business as normal. Nothing to see here.


Anonymous said...

If you're not complacent then that might mean all the things he supported up to this point (which ruined the economy) might have been bad for the country, and that can't be true. Slava!