Monday, April 24, 2023

Russia's Political Establishment Believe The Pentagon 'Must Be A Mess'

Zodyakuz / Shutterstock  

Meduza: ‘The Pentagon must be a mess’ How the Russian political establishment made sense of the recent U.S. intel leak 

In the wake of Jack Teixeira’s arrest over the publication of classified documents shedding light on the U.S. intelligence assessments of the Ukraine war, Meduza’s correspondent Andrey Pertsev spoke with a number of anonymous insiders in the Russian government, the Kremlin, and the state-controlled media, trying to grasp what consensus members of Russia’s political establishment had developed with regard to the leak, its real motives, and its most plausible effects. A source two handshakes removed from Putin, for example, encapsulated what seems to be the most widespread impression: “The West, and even the U.S., are not that single-minded about the war.” What other informed speakers had to say about the scandal happens, once again, to say a great deal about how Russia’s political elites think about the outside world.  

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WNU Editor: The Pentagon is not the only American institution that is in a mess. The U.S. political establishment is not great either.


Anonymous said...

"Not great either"

lol understatement of the year

mass murdering psychopathic global-reset-pushing traitors to your and my nation.

Anonymous said...

Our government is totally corrupted since the Obama years, improved some under Trump, but he needed another trm to clean it up.

Under the BIDEN communist regime, it is absolutely corrupt. ALL government institutions have been politicized to the point of ineptness.

Just wait for the military to establish a DEI staff position from Company level up through the top Pentagon commanders. When that happens we'll have the equivalent of "Political Officers" incompetent Democrat Party hacks acting as de facto unit commanders, with actual commanders afraid to "NOT" toe the party line in fear of their careers.

When that happens we'll be annhilated at sea and on land by the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and North Koreans acting in concert to destroy us.


Anonymous said...

The United States government is the bestest, freest and most inclusive diverse organization the world has ever known. It cannot be defeated in any way.

Anonymous said...

11:58- you must NOT live in the USA to believe that line of BS.

Anonymous said...

It's bad, really bad. If you are a vet don't expect any health care, taxes have gone insane. etc etc..

Anonymous said...

then do this:
if you think the Pentagon et al are so shitty: leave leave leave
we can do without you
nah. you are whiners and stay and simply bitch bitch bitch.
The US still has the greatest economhy in the world and yes military power too.
Go forth and moan elsewhere
ps: trump is gone. he lost. if he runs he will lose again. 1/3 of GOP does not even want him as candidate!

Anonymous said...

Great countries aren’t built by the leftovers when all the people with a functioning brain leave. I’m gonna stay and try to fix the shithole that this place has become for your low iq sake.

Anonymous said...

I second that.

Anonymous said...

😂😂😂 Probably someone from China based on the language use. LOL

Anonymous said...

you will stay. of course. You should whine. Your effort to fix will be to vote for a presidential candidate. Thanks for your service.

Anonymous said...

What if enough of us don't vote for one of your two officially sanctioned parties? Maybe we'll fire all you cyber warriors and Ill be thanking you for your service at the Wendys line.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a example. This is just fema.