Monday, April 3, 2023

Saudi Arabia Wants To Be A Nuclear Power

Satellite imagery from the company Planet shows construction of a small research reactor at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Riyadh. Planet Labs Inc 

New York Times: Inside Saudi Arabia’s Global Push for Nuclear Power 

For years, Saudi Arabia has pressed the United States to help it develop a nuclear energy program, as Saudi leaders look beyond oil to power their country. 

But talks about a nuclear partnership have dragged on, largely because the Saudi government refuses to agree to conditions that are intended to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons or helping other nations do so, according to officials with knowledge of the discussions. 

Frustrated Saudi officials are now exploring options to work with other countries, including China, Russia or a U.S. ally.  

Read more ....  

Update: Saudi crown prince is plotting to get US nuclear secrets by playing the White House, Russia, and China off against each other, report says (Insider) 

WNU Editor: A prediction. Saudi Arabia will get its nuclear tech from China, Russia, or from a Western European nation like France.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Because it is there.

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia has had this program for 10 years or longer. They do not saber rattle like Iran and lo and behold no sanctions.

Saudi Arabia is a serious threat to America, but the threat it poses is not acknowledged and is scoffed at. the same idiots that said if you got the COVID shot you could not transmit corona virus are the same ones, who tell you Saudi Arabia is not a threat.

Liberals in America are a greater threat than Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous said...

Everything is always a threat as long as life goes,just some more than others.

Anonymous said...

to accuse a party that encompasses more than 50% of the nation's voters indicates a bias that one can not address in a reasonable way.

Anonymous said...

I am biased. I am biased for the truth.

Kamala In Africa: What Could Go Wrong?

Saudi Arabia is a very big threat.

Liberals were wrong on virtually everything about COVID.

Liberals are tearing the US apart over trans. there has been some pushback. some sports associations have said trans women (male to female) cannot compete in women's sports, but liberals keep blundering on.

Hunt for Red October/

“- Captain Davenport: They're pinging away with their active sonar like they're looking for something, but nobody's listening.
- Jack Ryan: What do you mean?
- Captain Davenport: Well, they're moving at almost forty knots. At that speed, they could run right over my daughter's stereo and not hear it.”

The liberals are like this on all their issues, but especially trans. They are starting to get pushback, so they are trying to railroad this as fast as possible consequences be damned.

Anonymous said...

11:15 You mean like the anti-Trump crowd accused nearly half of the nation's electorate who voted for Trump of being stupid, evil, or worse?

Anonymous said...

11:15 was channeling they who must not be named.