Monday, April 10, 2023

Senior US Congressman Says US May Send Troops To Taiwan Should China Invade

NYPost: US troops in Taiwan 'on the table' if China invades, Michael McCaul says W

ASHINGTON — House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul has said the US may send troops to Taiwan should China invade the self-governed island. 

“If communist China invaded Taiwan, it would certainly be on the table and something that would be discussed by Congress and with the American people,” the Texas Republican told Fox News. 

“Are they prepared to do this? Is Taiwan worth it? I can argue for a lot of reasons why it is.” 

The potential move would represent a stark contrast to the th

e war in Ukraine, where the US has sent billions in weaponry to Kyiv but has refused to send troops. “[To deploy troops,] you’re talking about an authorized use of military force that would come out of my committee or a declaration of war, which we haven’t utilized since World War II,” McCaul said during a three-day trip to Taipei at the head of a congressional delegation.  

Read more ....  

Update: Conflict with China 'last resort' but Congress will authorize troops if Americans support it: McCaul (FOX News).  

WNU Editor: I do not see the American public supporting a policy to go to war against China to defend Taiwan. But I could be wrong.  

Update #2: House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul is correct about this .... McCaul says China could influence, take over Taiwan in next election ‘without a shot fired’ (The Hill). Taiwan President Tsai’s party suffered losses in recent local elections (link here), and my gut tells me that many Taiwanese do not want to suffer the same fate as Ukraine. That diplomacy and accommodation with China are the preferred options.  

Update #3: The Chinese are sending a message to Washington .... China military ‘ready to fight’ after drills near Taiwan (AP).


Anonymous said...

"That diplomacy and accommodation with China are the preferred options."

So you're saying that the Taiwanese should give up independence because it's the less 'sufferable' and easy route to take; because the preferred options of diplomacy and accommodation would be to lose their independence due to China's position.

Wow. What a change.

I have been a reader to this blog for many many years. I am firmly aware of your previous position on China concerning Taiwan, which became more apparent under Trump's administration who took a anti=China foreign policy that resulted in overtures being made to Taiwan.

It is sad to see that all it took for you to shift your opinion to one of placating China's foreign policy efforts, was the Chinese alignment to Russia. What a difference that has made, 'ey?

It most certainly has shifted my opinion of you further to the spectrum that you are politically manipulative and aligned to a certain ideology and have been for so long, but you were just very good at straddling that line and hiding it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he doesn't went to be a part of the ww3 generation?

The problem with Tiawan is the early agreements the US made with the CCP. Like the Shanghi communicate. Tiawan is part of china. That was the agreement. Now the US is backpeddling.
The chickens come home to roost

Anonymous said...

World War 3 is happening this year. Count on it.

We have seen this movie before. Russia held exercise after exercise practicing moving around troop[s all arounds Ukraine's borders. Maven's here laughed when it was said they would invade. They said there were too few and that they were outnumber. So an invasion would not happen

It happened.

Decrepit Joe is only going to be in 2 years at the most. The clock is ticking.

Funny how the corporate media, The Establishment and Euro 'leaders' got their respectable Galba in place of Trump and they still all hate America. Proof is seeing that jackanape Macron prance around Beijing followed by his dissing of America.

Anonymous said...

!Shanghai Communiqué not Shanghai communicate!

Yes, little English learner, it is a loan word from the French language. Maybe with your remedial language instruction you can get training on how to eat with a fork and a knife, not pick your nose, or loiter under bridges.

Communiqué was signed over 50 years ago. That is over a generation and a half. It is a fact that one congress is not bound in financial or tax matters what a previous congress passed. The same should be true for bad treaties.

Any who the Communiqué is not a treaty. It was never ratified by the Senate.

If or when the are nuclear exchanges, the US had to nuke about 4 to 6 cities and China ceases to be ruled by the CCP.

Anonymous said...

"I do not see the American public supporting a policy to go to war against China to defend Taiwan. But I could be wrong."

It all depends what the talking heads on the network news are saying. I am sorry to say that the vast majority of American's are not capable of independent thought. They look to the "opinion leaders" in the news media to do their thinking for them.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much computer chips are like oil. If some hostile country took over a major oil supplier to the US and overnight gas started selling for $15 a gallon and it hurt s the supply chain so the grocery shelves were not stocked, because the trucks run on oil, there would be a lot of support for war.

The baby formula shortage was bad? A computer chip shortage would be much worse. Expect War.

Anonymous said...


Good try Mr fair and balanced, but it does not work.

Your blobber government made several agreements with the Reds. You agreed that Taiwan was an integral part of the Chinese mainland. Basically a Provence that just happened to have some type of weird independence., but part of the mainland.

It was also agreed to that The CCP , mainland, government was the only "true" representative of the Chinese people and state. This was done in the 1970s, ecognized and continued in the 80s and 90s.

Then your greedy industrialists and bankers wanted to make lots of money, so they abandoned America and deindustrialized the US and sent all that work to China. That little manuver made mainland china into the economic giant she is today.

And guess what genius? Your blobber government whole heartedly supported this transfer of work/ wealth. Because they made lots of money, for their own personal gain.

And to argue against all this .....your excuse is...well that was 50 years ago and we should not have to abide by these agreements?

Your logic and premises are pathetic. If what you say is true, Maybe we should give up the NATO treaty, or any other agreement we have made in the last 50 to 75 years. What a great idea!! Since those agreements are just pieces of paper anyway written by racist old white men.


Now point 2

You are hiding the Hard right with the easy wrong.

You want to back out now? Good! Stand up and tell the truth. Don't sugar coat it with BS. State to your superiors that our National Leaders of the last 50 years Failed misreably. That The US government was absolutely wrong in supporting the commies for the last 50 years. And we are going to re-establish relations with the Republic of China. And the people in who have been in congress like Uncle Joe since the 1970s need to be stripped of their office, fined millions of dollars and exiled for placing the American Nation in the position it is in today with respect to the ChiComs.

As for war, my dear neophyte,

The Chinese have over 400 nuclear bombs and building more everyday. Your window to destroy those little creeps closed about 20 years ago. Now, if you nuke them, you will go down with them. If they hit only 30 of your population zones, your country will cease to exist in its present form.

Have a great day.. I see you got the night shift. Make sure you take your cac card when you leave.

Anonymous said...

"Your blobber government ..."

Be more obvious you frelling Russian.

Have you ever been to any major Chinese cities?

There is that little item that a communiqué is not a treaty no matter how much ink you spill. the US should not adhere to a bad communiqué any more than China should adhere to an unequal treaty with Russia. China should just take Eastern Siberia while Russia is tied up in Ukraine.

6 months and no Bakhmut.


I mean really I expected it to fall in March. It is almost the midpoint of April now.

Anonymous said...

Not just the communicate, genius. Did you forget Jimmy Carter and his official diplomatic recognition of the Mainland and all the other agreements with china?

You progressives just cannot admit when you are wrong. And you are. Here is the bottom line. The US blobber government made its bed and created this Frankenstein. Now it will have to live with it.

Anonymous said...

"Not just the communicate ... "

Cannot fix that spelling error MR English as a second language.

- Carter is an idiot.
- Show me a treaty
- If there is a treaty, IDC. I'll consider it as an unequal treaty and treat it the same way the Chinese treat Unequal Treaty.

I like you. As a troll working for a foreign government, you will not sue. Since you cannot all we will see is your pathetic terrible two tantrums. Good for a laugh a few times a day.

Anonymous said...


You like to argue in circles. The truth remains. Blob decided to Recognize Red china as the only valid representative of the entire Chinese people and blob also agreed that Taiwan was an integral part of China.

Too bad, dumb dumb. You made your bed, sleep in it.

The Reds out foxed you and your government is impotent, capable of doing nothing about it without burning their own house down.

The Blob does what the blob always does, screw things up.

Don't forget to take your cac card when you go home

Anonymous said...

China does not like the MacMahon Line which resulted from the 1914 Simla Convention. So 100 years later they are killing or injuring hundreds of Indians. The CCP considers it an unequal treaty.

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

The US has a national interest in fair trade with Taiwan for chips.

You talked about Carter, but no treaties voted on by the US Senate.

You are weak and you are right, where I want you.

You should take the TikTok blackout challenge. Save you boss some payroll.