Saturday, April 15, 2023

Seymour Hersh Claims Ukraine President Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million Allocated By The US For Purchasing Fuel

President Biden with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Wednesday, December 21, 2022, in the Oval Office. / Official White House photo.  

Seymour Hersh: Trading With The Enemy 

Amid rampant corruption in Kiev and as US troops gather at the Ukrainian border, does the Biden administration have an endgame to the conflict? 

The Ukraine government, headed by Volodymyr Zelensky, has been using American taxpayers’ funds to pay dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel that is keeping the Ukrainian army on the move in its war with Russia. It is unknown how much the Zelensky government is paying per gallon for the fuel, but the Pentagon was paying as much as $400 per gallon to transport gasoline from a port in Pakistan, via truck or parachute, into Afghanistan during the decades-long American war there. 

What also is unknown is that Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments. One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; another expert compared the level of corruption in Kiev as approaching that of the Afghan war, “although there will be no professional audit reports emerging from the Ukraine.” “Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me. “And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions” on it.  

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WNU Editor: Only $400 million? 

Seymour Hersh Claims Ukraine President Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million Allocated By The US For Purchasing Fuel  

Ukraine War: Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million Allocated By The US For Purchasing Fuel – Seymour Hersh -- EurAsian Times 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and officials embezzled $400 million received from USA by purchasing cheaper Russian fuel, claims journalist Seymour Hersh -- pIndia

Zelensky 'embezzled' over $400mn of aid money sent to Ukraine - Report -- Hindustan Times

 Zelensky and team stole at least $400 million of US aid – Seymour Hersh -- Daily Telegraph


Anonymous said...

“Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me.

WNU is purposefully tolling us.

1) In Syria the illegitimate Syrian government buys oil from the Kurds. Until the US has terminal in Belgium Holland, or the Baltic that it can send tankers to offload diesel in sufficient quantity, then maybe this has to be done.

Syria's al-Assad re-elected for fourth term with 95% of vote

95% yeah sure.

2) Remember the moral outrage when Zelensky fired so many generals? Why Zelensky must be a dictator. Well now those same -people our outraged that he did not fire twice as many.

There is a stage play about a son, who finds out that his father's factory produces faulty parts for bombers. Hopefully someone knows the name of that play. So there is a war and you find profiteering. Really? So outraged! 2 minutes of hate!

The problem is not that it exists. The problem is how much. Percentages. And compare it to similar situations. Yes, you prosecute.

Maybe this is all Putin's fault. First, he invaded creating the situation. Second, he bombed the FUCK out of cities causing people to flee. Maybe some of those people were police, prosecutors and judges? Less police leads to less investigations leads to a permissive environment.

If Burns was a real man, the CIA might have assassinated one or two of the generals. That might put enough fear into them to not steal.

Funny, but isn't Russia the same or worse? Russia is using WW2 tanks now. Why? Because there were so much corruption that many components of T62s and T72s in storage was stolen. So the Russian are literally using T55s. The T54/T55 series was first prototyped in 1945.

Russia did one good thing. They did Soros was not welcome. But Soros was in Ukraine tearing things up. Now Soros is America and there have bene over a dozen meetings at the White House.

Soros is so dangerous that he should be traded for Navalny and Crimea.

Anonymous said...

Your logic is flawed.
Zelinski is a crook? You do not deny this. Instead you try to justify it by saying it is Russia's fault for invading or look at Russia it is just as corrupt.

No, face it, Zelinski is corrupt, crook. That is US tax dollars going into his wretched pockets.

A. He his undermining the War effort by his own actions by De- legitimizing the Ukrainian cause.
B. He is cheating the poor bastards who are actually doing the fighting.
C. He is sucking money out of the system that he will ask to be replaced and will probably get of more. So he is robbing US taxpayers.

Do you really ever think thru what you say on these blog posts?

Anonymous said...

If Zelinsky is a corrupt crook... that is if ... then the first people that need to pay is you and Putin.

Last week the Russian trolls were upset that Zelinsky's train car had adornments o the wall. What d you want> metal walls painted grey?

I expect world leaders to travel in limousines not shitty Russian Ladas.

Looking at corrupt world leaders there is

* Joe Biden
* Helmut Kohl: That was minor league with hotels stays or something, but it got us the execrable Merkel.
* Lula
* Putin with his mansion worthy of Roman Emperor Diocletian
* Macron On his salary if he has a 95,000 euro watch is he clipping coupons?

I expect corruption. The matter is how much.

We are not going to stop the war and hand Ukraine over to Russia because of corruption. You fire people or you prosecute them and you continue the war.

Oh and you might bomb the FSB building with the Russian trolls.

I think Biden is undermining the war effort the most by dragging his feet on weapon shipments. If the Weapons shipments are good shipment. the I would look ay Zelensky.

We could hold elections in 2 years, but Russia would bomb the polling places. It is their style.

Now frack off

Anonymous said...

So you justify these actions. What a joke.
Do you justify Karzai, Samoza and Thieu?

Btw I could care less what ole vlad does.
We are not giving him billions of dollars in cash and equipment.

Zelinski is a crook and this war is just another black hole like Afghanistan and Iraq.
Giving money to these people when they know and we know they are pocketing it, just encourages more corruption and graft. It also de- legitimizes the standing government.
Thier actions turn this fight for " democracy and freedom" into a fight to benefit the elites by sacrificing the common citizen.

But you do not care? Explain that to a guy in a trench, who is dirty, tired and being shot at and if he is lucky, will return home with little to show for it. While his leaders will suffer little and live in luxury whether they are victorious or go down in defeat.

Ron said...

Prior to this war beginning, the eastern portion of Ukraine was an area the Ukrainians wanted to purge of Russian culture and influence. It was not uniquely Ukrainian if it ever was. If I got that right, it got me thinking about America.

Take this as a thought experiment: If invaded, like in the movie "Red Dawn", I would fight/resist the invaders. But, I would not piss away my life for the San Francisco Bay area or greater LA basin. The values of the body politics in those areas are foreign to my American experience. America is gone in those regions so what is there to fight for. Let the Russians/Mexicans/Chinese have it.

So, back to Ukraine, why do they fight so hard for a part of their country that is culturally lost to them? If they were to kick Russian forces out of eastern Ukraine there would be a slaughter of civilians at a WW2 level. If one justifies that, would they justify a bloody purge of Progressives from SF. Or is this an apple to orange comparison?

Anonymous said...

The liberals may control California, but it does not mean that the majority of people are liberals.

Elections can be and are stolen.

The NAZIs only got 33% of the vote and yet they tool over the whole country.

Ballot examiners would and have spoiled paper ballots by placing a bit of lead under their finger nails and marking extra bubbles on a ballot to spoil it if a voter voted for the wrong slate. That is just one of the shenanigans.

Back in 2018 about 7 Republican Congressional seats were flipped by very narrow margins at a late date. I think 5 of them were flipped back

The way LA, San Francisco and San Diego are run, there is no way those mayorships are Democrat without machine politics. No way.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainians aren’t fighting for their land back, they have been ordered by NATO to inflict as much damage on the Russian military as possible. Reason: this war will not end with Ukraines defeat, it’s likely only getting started. China is going g to enter the war soon enough and Iran and North Korea will likely open up two additional fronts as well.

Anonymous said...

The Lady protesteth too much

Anonymous said...

apples to oranges i think--I have been finding it hard or impossible to come up with comparisons like this for current events.

Anonymous said...

true on all points.
Gavin is the equivalent of a Republican in SF, people are just too dumb to notice. Kamala also.

Anonymous said...

If true, why then is
russia allowing it to be sold to the country they are at war with?

Anonymous said...

Recent Poll By CNN reveals that: 60% of Americans approve of the decision to indict Trump

Anonymous said...

Panama Papers showed that he stole $870 million and stored it in Panamanian accounts before the war began. The extra $400 million isn't entirely shocking.