Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Sudanese Army And Rival Forces Agree To A 24-Hour Cease-Fire


France 24: Sudanese army, rival forces agree to 24-hour cease-fire as conflict enters fourth day 

The Sudanese army and rival forces they have been battling since the weekend, agreed Tuesday to a temporary, 24-hour cease-fire, Arab media reports said. 

The fighting since Saturday has plunged the Sudanese capital of Khartoum and other areas of the country into chaos. Millions of Sudanese in the capital and in other major cities have been hiding in their homes, caught in the crossfire as the two forces battle for control, with each general so far insisting he will crush the other.  

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WNU Editor: My prediction. This 24-hour cease-fire will not stop the war.

 Sudanese Army And Rival Forces Agree To A 24-Hour Cease-Fire  

 Sudan updates: Rivals agree to daylong cease-fire — reports -- DW  

Sudanese army, rival forces agree to 24-hour cease-fire -- AP

Sudan's warring generals agree to 24-hour ceasefire after U.S. pressure -- Reuters 

Rival generals agree to 24-hour cease-fire in Sudan -- Axios  

Students trapped, hospitals shelled and diplomats assaulted as Sudan fighting intensifies -- CNN  

Humanitarian aid ‘impossible’ as fighting in Sudan traps millions -- The Guardian 

Sudan conflict: No water, no light as fighting rages on -- BBC  

Blinken warns Sudan’s rivals as US diplomatic convoy comes under fire -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Look a story about Africa and no comments.

Must no have any Black readers.

Must not have black readers that care.

liberal readers must not care.

No one cares.

How is it?

Germany and Britain fought over Africa twice.

It y was a Cold War staple.

In in Cold War II now

But no comment.

fazman said...

Lol, non event in a 3rd world shit hole ..next

Anonymous said...

In engineering there are sources and sinks for thermo and electrical

Many African are sources of people if nothing else. No matter how backward they are or are not does not matter in order for them to be significant. There is a steady emigration from Africa and immigration to other places. So they are significant.

What happens in Africa in relation to the spread of Islam there is also significant.

China is in Sudan and they are pumping oil, They have workers there and I think guards as well.

I think business contacts where there is a 50/50win win would be better than what I think USAIID or the State Dept. might do. I do not think the State Dept can dole out money and compete with a Chinese company making money for China and Sudan.

I think the Army will win. They are systematically clearing grid squares of militia from the capital. But that is not a complete win. the militia will get smart and maybe move back into the bush and this could go on for awhile. the militia has a huge number of soldiees, It is possible they could take a licking and still remain formidable after losing in the capital.