Sunday, April 23, 2023

These Are The New technologies Being Used In The Russia - Ukraine War

Modern Diplomacy: New technologies in Russia -Ukraine war 

Every war brings in a new kind of technologies which are meant to amplify the magnitude of war and also the impact of the weapons with more precision guided and cluster munitions which can affect larger areas as well as more casualties among both civilians and military personnel. During the Russia Ukraine war which has been one of these kinds of technology demonstrator given the fact that many of the European countries have been helping Ukraine with new kind of weapons and equipment. Russia, on the other hand, has been toying with the idea of utilizing hypersonic missiles and tactical weapons to hit the strategic locations across Ukraine. Important aspect related to the new kind of technologies has been primarily missile defence, command and control, surface to air missiles, and use of hyper missiles technologies.  

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WNU Editor: I think we have seen nothing yet. A part of me wonders if all sides are still holding back a lot of their new weapon systems.


Anonymous said...

If Ukraine loses it is due to go slow Joe provide stuff months late.

Maybe a Manchurian candidates but to drag his feet to ensure his controllers win.

Joe Biden should provided F16s several months ago. He should have had tanks in the 6 to 12 months ago.

Go Slow Joe

His whole family is at the feeding trough.

Jac said...

This is a Biden war and it will be a every thing he is doing.

Anonymous said...

So true...

Anonymous said...

These hypersonic missiles are something else. Stupid USA has pants down like an idiot after giving its real economy to China, who also exceeds the US in hypersonics, but hey we won in Afghanistan and Destroyed ISIS single-handedly, so what can you expect?