Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Ukraine Adopts New De-Russifying Laws

Libertarian Institute: Ukraine Adopts New Laws to ‘De-Russify’ Public Places 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has approved two new laws intended to erase signs of Russian culture in Ukraine. The statutes seek to rechristen all places in the country thought to carry Russian names, while local authorities will be required to “free public space from the symbols of the Russian world.” 

Adopted last Friday, the laws will prohibit names that “perpetuate, promote or symbolize the occupying state or its notable, memorable, historical and cultural places, cities, dates, events,” and “its figures who carried out military aggression against Ukraine.” 

The new statutes will take effect in 30 days, after which local officials will have six months to completely scrub public places of Russian culture. A board will be established to determine what names must be purged.  

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WNU Editor: This is nothing new. Ukrainian nationalists have been implementing these measures since 2014 and is one of the reasons why the country has fractured between Ukrainians and Russian - Ukrainians.

Sighhh .... 

For years this blog has been warning about what would be the consequences if these policies are implemented. Even Zelensky warned about it (see above video). But too few listened, and over the years many even commented on this blog that these laws were NOT being passed.


Anonymous said...

Let’s call it what it is, genocide.

Anonymous said...


Ethnic Cleansing

Hans Persson said...

Or nationalism combined with centuries of hatred of the Russian occupiers, let's call it for what it is WNU editor.

Anonymous said...

^ Russians

This is not Rwanda, Armenia or Srebrenica

It is not anything that France had not done on the 19th and 20th century.

Money often comes with string attached. Russia could have made a case if they had not gone straight to guns.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainians should have adopted the Canadian model and let there be two official languages. But face it, happy people in Ukraine with two official languages is not what Russia wanted. They wanted the whole enchilada.

Anonymous said...

How is it possible that you guys can come up with illogical thinking l
Like this.?.
It is all the Russians fault? How is that possible.
Prior to the war...
Did the Russians put a gun to the ukies head And say out law Russian
Or tear down Russian monuments like the one of Catherine the Great?
Or maybe it was the Russians who burned up all those people in Odessa.

The Ukrainians are engaging in cultural genocide. Don't like a different population in you land ? Have a purge.
Yes in principle it is the same as any other civil war.
Got an Indian problem? Purge / kill/ exile and wipe all vestiges of thier culture off the map. The problem with the ukies is that they got Russian next door. So mistreating Russians was not most intelligent of ideas.
But like they say. Scratch a Ukie, You get Pollock.

Not the brightest of people.

Hans Persson said...

Nah, Ukies is taking back its culture.

Hans Persson said...

And also, those territories occupied by Russia now, Luhansk, Kherson and Donetsk, is the birthplace of Ukraine. If they were deeply nationalistic (SPOLIER WARNING: they are) they would care deeply about those issues. Now, today its not really that hip to say that your big patriotic war is more or less about taking back its old lebensraum with all the gas and oil.

I left you a key phrase in why the "US" thinks this is worth fighting WW3 over.

Anonymous said...

@4:06 Two official languages was the starting offer. It was even accepted by Kiev until the deal was scuttled by the western powers. You're being dishonest.

None of this language talk even begins to address the bombings and two separate armored offensives on the Donbas that killed thousands. Nor does anyone in the NAFO camp like to recognize the sharp uptick in bombardment and car bombings right before the SMO began, where Ukraine had positioned 80,000 troops to assault Donetsk.

But sure, it's all about kulture and leibensraum now, because that's become the more convenient narrative for the actual aggressors and their thralls.

Anonymous said...

Canada is basically two different countries

Anonymous said...

More like three countries. Indigenous reserves, Quebec and everyone else. Very divided and doomed for a serious breakup sooner or later.

Anonymous said...


Yes the easily forgotten historical actions. No let's not discuss that. Let's just call the Russians orcs and make them into an evil monster who woke up one day and said to themselves.

" let's invade ukraine for no reason at all"

Anonymous said...

language laws are not sufficient reason to invade a country.

Anonymous said...

How about a pro western nationalist being put into place in a coup d’état orchestrated by your sworn enemy? Funny how everyone forgets that little invasion.

Anonymous said...

How many danes are on here anyway?

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Hans?

Anonymous said...

We must be diverse! Except no Russians. We must eliminate to Jew from our society! I mean Russian.

die asshole

Hans Persson said...

No idea.

Hans Persson said...
