Thursday, April 13, 2023

Ukraine Drafting Reinforcements To Replace Its Losses

Recent recruits pose for a group portrait at an Azov Brigade training facility outside Kyiv on March 24. © Alice Martins for The Washington Post  

Washington Post: As spring offensive nears, Ukraine is drafting reinforcements 

KYIV, Ukraine — The men in uniform could show up almost anywhere, anytime. 

They knock on civilians’ front doors and randomly stop them on street corners, handing out draft papers that can turn lives upside down. 

Ukraine needs more soldiers — and fast. Kyiv is preparing for an imminent assault on Russian occupying forces, and while Ukraine does not disclose its casualty counts, commanders in the field have described large losses. In a trove of leaked classified files, the U.S. government recently estimated that between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of the invasion — more than five times what Kyiv has publicly disclosed. 

“We need to understand if the war lasts another year, we’re all going to be in the army,” said Sasha, 35, a casting director and amateur kickboxer who is taking a private military training course in the capital in case he is drafted. He spoke on the condition that only his first name be used, because of concerns over publicizing his mobilization status.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have been told that for many of these recruits it is a few weeks of training, and then it is off to the front lines. I hope this information is wrong. Because if it is true, when I look at the picture above, all I see is cannon-fodder.


Hans Persson said...

Agreed, rip.

Mr Nobody said...

4 weeks training. enough time to learn how to shoot, do the 3 to 5 second rush, work as a fire team and squad.

Not much else. maybe, grenades, rockets and maybe mines. Use a radio? Learn to read a Map?.

Yes you can learn all of this, but not well. Not to the point you are super proficient or extremely confident in your skills. I wonder what they are doing for combat inoculation training?

But that is just the way it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Internet fools live

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Frank and sting

Anonymous said...

Let's all have a good cry. You could put these guys in Kherson, along the north and elsewehre. You know rotate troops. you can put them in quieter sectors and conduct more training. So assume the worst and cry me a river.

Anonymous said...

It's nothing that hasn't been done many times before, your own country would do it again. Stop bitching about the system or change it.

fazman said...

Exactly , wnu with his 2nd cousins wife's gardeners sisters Intel again.

Anonymous said...

No Fazzy.

the man has been a lot more accurate than you have.
This falls under the Fazman rule. If Fazzy says it's wrong, then 9 out of 10 chances it is right.

If the latest past history is a predictor of the near future..... All Those guys will end up in the grinder.

Anonymous said...

Someone had to say it.