Sunday, April 23, 2023

Ukraine Forces Cross The Dnipro River For The First Time

Daily Mail: Ukrainian army 'crosses crucial Dnipro River for the first time and soldiers prepare positions to launch counter-offensive deep into Russian-occupied areas', analysts claim 

* Dnipro River has served as front line since Moscow retreated from Kherson 

* If Ukrainian forces have breached river, it would be a major humiliation for Putin 

* Russia bragged withdrawal from Kherson allowed them to use river in defence 

Ukraine's army have crossed the Dnipro River for the first time since the start of the invasion as soldiers prepare positions to launch a counter-offensive deep into Russian-occupied areas, military analysts have claimed. 

Claims of Ukrainian advances onto the eastern bank of the river come just days after reports of a partial Russian retreat in the Kherson region. 

The Dnipro River has served as the front line since Vladimir Putin's soldiers retreated from Kherson city back in November, sparking scenes of jubilation from Ukrainian civilians.  

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Ukraine Forces Cross The Dnipro River For The First Time  

Ukrainian troop positions spark counteroffensive speculation -- AP  

New Ukraine positions near Kherson could signal spring offensive – report -- The Guardian  

Ukrainian troops have established a bridgehead on the east bank of the Dnipro river, implying Russia's defensive positions are weakening, report says -- Business Insider  

Expectations Rise Of Ukrainian Counteroffensive After Unconfirmed Reports Of Dnieper Crossing -- RFE  

Ukrainian forces 'cross Dnipro river for first time' ahead of counter attack -- The Telegraph  

Ukrainian forces establish a foothold along Dnipro River as speculation mounts over spring counteroffensive: report -- NYPost  

ISW: Ukrainian military has established positions in east bank Kherson -- Meduza


Anonymous said...

Good luck on this one.

River crossings are highly risky. It puts a large portion of your forces in a confined area. You need to break out fast so as not to get slaughtered.
We will see what happens on this one.

A. Phrend said...

Ukraine held off anniversary attacks on Russia at U.S. behest, leak reveals -

A. Phrend said...

Report From Russia: The Country’s “Special Military Operation” Is a Bloody Fiasco

Anonymous said...

Democrats should be required by law to be double masked at home, so they do not spread COVID to their spouses, roommates, partners or significant others.

I am not a crack pit.

Anonymous said...

'Warner Bros has nothing to do with the actual Warners brothers who were Jewish Republicans. It’s just another brand owned by a sprawling media monstrosity that, like the rest of the industry, is dedicated to pumping out recycled versions of its own intellectual properties and disguising that by making them more “diverse”.'

FACT: Liberals ruin everything.

Anonymous said...

the problem with the anti liberal, anti Dem stuff in these comments is that their preferred candidates and party offers nothing whatsoever to the American public but only serves up anti this and anti that crap. We seek answers to issues not ban this censor that. Time to stop whining and get real.

Anonymous said...

Trump offered a wall. Dims were so afraid, they want not tear it down.

Trump offered energy independence and got it. Democrats offer higher energy prices and dependence on Saudi Arabia.

Trump offered right-sized tax rates. Democrats offer oversized tax rates.

Anonymous said...

Women workers are forced to strip to their underwear as part of daily checks to prevent theft in undercover footage from Russia's version of Amazon run by country's top female oligarch

Great Russian economy


Living wage or are Russians natural born kleptos?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was DNIPR

Anonymous said...

oops sorry: Dnieper

Anonymous said...

ouch! But the tranny stuff kinda flips your argument on its back.

Anonymous said...

Agreed--Trump is in reality non-partisan. l

Anonymous said...


The Verge: How Amazon automatically tracks and fires warehouse workers for ‘productivity’

NBC News: Worker sues Amazon over lengthy security searches without pay

Reuters: Amazon workers must be paid for security checks - Penn. top court

Great American economy

Self sanctions?

Living wage or are Americans natural born kleptos?

The better question is how much you're being paid.

Anonymous said...

NEW YORK — The co-founder of the “We Build The Wall” project aimed at raising money for a border wall pleaded guilty Thursday to charges in a case that once included former President Donald Trump’s adviser Steve Bannon.

Brian Kolfage admitted to pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars while promising all donations would pay for the wall. His plea came a month before a trial in a case that began in dramatic fashion in August 2020 when Bannon was pulled from a luxury yacht off the coast of Connecticut and arrested on allegations that he and three others falsely promised donors that all donations would help build a wall on the southern border.

The Trump tax agenda: A gift to the super-rich

Anonymous said...

If Trump is so marvy, why did he lose and then lose again in midterm candidates he "approved of"?

Anonymous said...

Actually Kolfage should not be in prison. You should. some place nice like Devils Island.

here's why. Democrats threw up so many roadblocks that Trump got started late on the wall. If Trump had started in 2017 it would have been built before Kolfage would have done a thing.

further nice red herring doofoid. Kolfage is a 3rd party. We were judging what politicians do for the people or should I add what Democrats do to the people.

Kolfage was not appointed by Trump and was not in his cabinet. So why bring him up?

Anonymous said...

If Trump is so marvy,


Democrats have been stealing elections since JFK.

"Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’"

Anonymous said...

Trump cut taxes and revenues to the government went up. Anyone studying supply and demand curves or tax revenue vs tax rate in economics using calculus understands these things.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house or his slaves, or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour."

You are envious of the rich are you not? Odds on, you suffer from a severe case of p_nis envy.

Do you want to butch more about your short comings financial, educational and otherwise?

We'll listen and we won't laugh in your face. We'll just politely snicker.

Anonymous said...

"Researchers in Germany found that elevated levels of carbon dioxide in pregnant women were associated with an increased risk of birth defects."

Abortion issue solved!

Just double or triple mask all women.

"The German researchers reviewed a study that found that even short-term exposure to concentrations of CO2 as low as 0.3% caused brain damage, increased anxiety, and impaired memory"

Anonymous said...

This thread went off the wagon real fast.

Was not the article about a Ukie river crossing?

Here I will get every thing back on track.

The Nazi ukies will be killed in mass.

The Russian orkies will be soundly defeated in the sector once full combat power has been achieved.


This article is about a river crossing in the already controlled Ukie area of operations, so it will not be opposed by Russian ground forces so this article really is no value added.

Anonymous said...

Is it legitimate schizo boomers with trump derangement syndrome? Or just Air Force cadets putting in their hours at Elgins AFB, making sure everyone stays obsessed with fake politics theater?