Friday, April 21, 2023

Ukraine Wants U.S. And NATO Personnel Near The Frontline To Provide Technical Support For Their Military Equipment

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov appears with his counterpart, Acting Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Denmark Troels Lund Poulsen, at the Odesa Media Center on April 10, 2023. “We have been suggesting for quite a long time that our partners assist in providing maintenance at the maximum proximity to the battlefield," Reznikov said in response to a question from Newsweek. MICHAEL WASIURA/NEWSWEEK 

Newsweek: Kyiv Seeks U.S. Technical Support at 'Maximum Proximity to the Battlefield' 

Over the past 14 months, Western countries have pledged to provide Ukraine with more than $65 billion worth of direct military aid, most of it coming from the United States. Now, with a major Ukrainian counteroffensive looming, prominent officials in Kyiv have begun to call for those Western countries to assume a more forward role in the maintenance of that new arsenal, including the provision of technical personnel on the ground closer to the war zone. 

"I am sure that our partners could hire such specialists, and we would do everything in our capacity to organize for them to come to Ukraine," Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said in response to a question from Newsweek at a briefing held on April 10 at the Ukraine Media Center in Odesa. "We have been suggesting for quite a long time that our partners assist in providing maintenance at the maximum proximity to the battlefield." 

"It is very complicated to send a tank all the way to Europe for repairs," Reznikov explained. "If we could have specialists with access to the necessary documents come here, it would really help."  

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WNU Editor: This is what mission creep looks like. First send in the advisers and technical personnel, followed by combat troops. Fortunately, Ukraine's Western allies are still lukewarm to deploying their personnel to service their equipment near the front-lines.


Anonymous said...

Preferably in the same sector as the major that fired the two S-300 missiles at a polish tractor?

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow: "Ukraine demands NATO supply troops, equipment, ammunition and money to fight Russia"

Anonymous said...

fck this shit
our leaders LIED LIED LIED
not in my name

they lied about nato expansion
they lied about forward positioning of weapons ahead of the war to lure Russia in
they lied about the "brave" warriors - human rights crimes EN MASSE on the Ukrainian side AND they brag about how they cut off the nuts of POWs
they lied about the reason of the war
they lied about the success of the war
they lied about EVERYTHING and SMEARED the whistle blower as a leaker, PERVERTING the laws that are meant to protect him (while real leakers in the years during trump were classified as whistleblowers)

They are satanists by this definition: They tell you the inverse of the truth, a hallmark of satanists

And all their other actions.
I have never believed in good and evil, but boy we are facing pure evil

Anonymous said...

they lied about that Ukraine is a democracy.. the ruling demagog is outlawing any opposition party, outlawing any resistance to the war, full on censorship and executions of suspected opposing elements


We should not allow Ukraine into Nato - a country we know is corrupt as fuck.. it would do irreparable damage to Nato and would further increase the risk of tension (adding yet another country to russia's borders) IT IS INSANE!!

Anonymous said...

i luv it when a russian says this: "fck this shit"

Anonymous said...

stop bitching and do what you are told

Anonymous said...

The Russian sock puppetry is awesome on this thread.

Anonymous said...

whole orchestra of sock puppets

Anonymous said...

But look at how corrupt western nations are becoming. I think Ukraine would be a perfect fit for NATO. Like I said earlier, Russia is becoming more and more a standard for the world to look to.

Anonymous said...

Says a Joe Biden voter/sock puppet

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Russia Accidentally Bombs Its Own City of Belgorod Near Ukraine Border

What a bunch of maroons

Anonymous said...

More dumb or less dumb than leaving tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban? What’s your standard for stupid here?

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah the typically stupid crowd - governement shills and demoncrat lovers say it's a russian propaganda

we know the facts stated by 3:18 PM are true

YOU spread the lies
AND we have had it
ANYONE defending the left and these corrupt traitors will be held accountable.. not you little rats who hide in the dark, we will go after the big ones, those who programmed you into harming yourself, your neighbours and our societies at large. you are victims too, my brothers.

fazman said...

This isn't news, a Leo repair hub in poland has already been agreed to and will begin operations in may

Anonymous said...

yep. spirit dinners.

Anonymous said...

Says a Joe Biden voter/sock puppet

says a Trump loser

Anonymous said...

After all fools do fight with lies

Anonymous said...

I fight my own freedom don't need politics or laws of foolishness