Thursday, April 27, 2023

U.S. Congress Preparing A Resolution To Declare It Is US Policy To Seek A Complete Ukrainian Victory Against Russia

Yahoo News: Exclusive: House lawmakers to introduce resolution for bold Ukraine victory terms 

WASHINGTON — At a time when many Americans, and some of the legislators who represent them in Washington, are growing weary of supporting the defense of Ukraine, a new bipartisan House resolution to be introduced Tuesday calls on the United States to support an outright victory over Russia. 

“We must not repeat the error of Sept. 1, 1939,” the resolution’s chief sponsor, Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., told Yahoo News, referencing Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland, which followed desperate efforts to appease Nazi Germany and prevent a second world war. 

Notably, the resolution, which requires review from the House Foreign Affairs Committee before a vote from the full chamber, “affirms that it is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders.” 

The return to that year’s borders is significant because 1991 marked the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of an independent Ukraine that included the Crimean Peninsula.  

Read more ....  

Update: House Resolution Would Declare US Policy Is to Seek Ukrainian Victory (  

WNU Editor: If the US Congress passes this resolution, many in Russia will view this as an "unofficial"  declaration of war by the US Congress against Russia. 


Bigus Macus said...

F*** Ukraine, we need to worry about our own southern border. I often wonder if there is anyone with a clue in congress. They are just part of the Biden regimes three ring circus.

Anonymous said...

Here it is again and again of the term official/unofficial declaration of war.

I'd seen this too mamy times here and seem trying to implicate something.

Anonymous said...

stop this shit NOW
ukraine is NOT a democracy, it is one of the MOST corrupt countries on earth
NO WW3 for this

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only good thing to come of it would be dissolution of the current continental congress.

Anonymous said...

talkin pitchfork time

Ron said...

One of the stories on this blog is about increased Russian submarine activity in the Atlantic. This is why. at some point we will "stumble" into this conflict. And I mean stumble. No wise person who cared about their future would risk WW3 for a centuries old land/culture conflict.

Anonymous said...

I ask AMERICA to be true for the firsts time in along time think very had about what is at steak for russia if they loose its a devastating scenario for the whole world 🌎. And with a president that sleeps and is loosing his normal way of thinking is like a nuke waiting to detonate. For the last 15 years take trumps 4 years away making it almost 12 years of democratic Obama and Biden letting Iran, northkorea ,China, Russia, silently build and improve nukes.the demo are know going to be not only waking up but eating there shorts for waiting and sleeping .like I said and it will happen. Northkorea wipes south korea out ,China northkorea russia wipe Japan Australia out .Taiwan and any country like there's will be taken over bey china in the south pacific. Russia north korea iran china complete there task and completely flatten ukraine .then the rest of Europe. Then izrail gets it to the point that it does not exzist .then the grand fanally china russia swoop in on canada and take over in days are canadain goverment is much to week to negotiate. America is then surrounded north south east west and gets completely uninhabitable. There is only one way out for all of the west act fast or dig your hole you have very corrupt goverments to blame and sleeping sad but true they bought the media so you will never know when it hits

Anonymous said...

That is my prediction. Only if goverments in the west stop lieing ,tell the truth ,open the news up with reall news ,tell your fellow country man what is at steak respect one another goverments party's and prepare a peace plan not a china one world order take my advice pull down your pants and slide on the ice .south korea has to wipe north korea out soon or we're all dead