Friday, April 21, 2023

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin In Europe To Soothe Ukraine, European Allies After Intel Leaks

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III addresses the media at the 11th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, April 21, 2023. Ministers of defense and senior military officials from nearly 50 nations from around the world gathered to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and continue close coordination on providing the Ukrainian people with the means necessary to protect themselves against Russia's continued aggression. US Department of Defense  

Politico: Under pressure: Austin seeks to soothe Ukraine, European allies after intel leak 

Documents posted online gave a downbeat assessment of Kyiv’s chances on the battlefield. 

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faces a daunting task this week as he heads to Germany to host a meeting of international defense chiefs supporting Ukraine: convince Kyiv that U.S. confidence is unbroken after its secret doubts spilled into the open. 

Austin arrived in Europe on Tuesday less than two weeks after the leak of a trove of highly classified military plans rocked the Pentagon. Many of the documents were printouts of top secret slides developed by the Joint Staff to brief senior leaders on the situation in Ukraine. Some included detailed information about the West’s plans to send weapons to Kyiv; others contained sensitive information about America’s efforts to spy on its partners. 

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Update: Austin seeks to stem discord with allies over document leaks (AP)  

WNU Editor: Good luck on soothing U.S. allies in Europe over these intel leaks. There is growing dissension in Europe on the war, and these leaks have only confirmed what the critics have been saying for months.


Anonymous said...

It has been posited that the leaks were instigated by people in the intel community to embarrass Biden and prevent him from running.

RussInSoCal said...

I rule nothing out in terms of what the intel-crats will do to further their own interests. Exhibit A is the wacky coinkydink that has an IRS investigator, FBI pukes and mainstream media all of a sudden climbing on the Biden fraud bandwagon right after Biden gaffed he was running again.

Anonymous said...

we are phucked! all is rotten! a lot of things I can not prove are taking place and all against us, me, mine. How do I know? I can not tell you. Just take my word. After all, I am anonymous

Anonymous said...

I doubt it is the intelligence leaks that are causing European distress. I think it is the US sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines that are making the Europeans realize that nothing is sacred to the US under the Biden administration and that they can surely count on Biden stabbing them all in the back when it is convenient for that wrteched, immoral man to do so.

Anonymous said...

And keep this in mind, first and foremost:

They lied about the opposition - as always. They lied to your face and claimed with certainty that those who oppose their narrative spread misinformation (equal to terrorism as defined by them).

In fact, they not only lied about the facts but they lied about their own people. Citizens, smeared them, censored them, deplatformed them.

Same during covid - and we all see how much misery this has caused.

Same with the carbon credit system

Same with global warming and that MAN is the main driver (leaving out the sun in their model), and if you ask questions, well you spread misinformation or are a terrorist or white supremacist (even if you are black).

These are all classical hallmarks at the onset of a new tyrannical system. BE CAREFUL. WATCH HOW THEY MANIPULATE THE MASSES. How they spread mass misinformation, programming the youth about climate change and transgender issues.

LOOK AT HOW THEY TARGET CHILDREN - our future! with genetical experiments, forced vaccinations, sterilizations and gender mutilations, WHILE lying about it WHILE militarizing the issue (leading to more death and division)..

You do not do all these things in a culture war. This is beyond a culture war. This is mass formation hypnosis, mass misinformation with the target to destabilize the West.

And it is our own leaders (in business, politics, media and "science") who participate in this.

And it all hyper-accelerated after Epstein was suicided.

Looks like a takeover to create something new, and erase traces of history (including financial history), because our system is coming down if not more people wake up to this.

Anonymous said...

1:30 PM- I'd say your nuts but unfortunately most of it is correct.

Anonymous said...

Todays young people hold no loyalty to anyone or any country. They are to taught to hate our country and become indoctrinated early on with ideologies that don’t help anyone. These intel leaks will continue and become more frequent.

Anonymous said...

He will run and win and this time with 100 million votes , Americans are mindless drones .

Anonymous said...

a useful idea: if you want to accuse someone or some outfit: name the person or the outfit. Not "they" but so and so.
If you do not like Americans and the way they vote, move to a country that you find more compatible. Otherwise, stop whining because your favorite got dumped in an election.Elections do not always favor so many as gifted and bright as you.

Adam said...

We just saw some of that in the Chicago mayoral election.

Anonymous said...

sock condom

Anonymous said...

A lot of people know

Anonymous said...

we're on a wild 😛 ride

Anonymous said...

Yeah well someone should tell them your country is all you have between you and being mexico del norte, so just just, you know, audit the fed or something