Saturday, April 15, 2023

U.S. Federal Reserve Is Projecting A Recession This Year

Politico: Fed economists project recession this year, in potential blow to Biden  

The economic outlook is always difficult to foretell with any confidence. 

Federal Reserve economists believe that recent banking turmoil will trigger a mild recession later this year, a potentially ominous sign for President Joe Biden as he heads into an election campaign. 

Staff members at the central bank, who brief policymakers before interest rate decisions, had long expected GDP growth to slow this year in the wake of the Fed’s fight against inflation. But last month they upped the odds of a downturn, according to the minutes of the Fed’s March 21-22 meeting. 

Just a couple of weeks before the meeting, two regional lenders — Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank — collapsed after depositors pulled out billions of dollars in cash, sending tremors throughout the industry. 

Their projection was for “a mild recession starting later this year, with a recovery over the subsequent two years,” according to the minutes, released Wednesday. That would spark a jump in unemployment. They estimated the economy would fully recover by 2025.  

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WNU Editor: I have doubts that running the money printing press and accumulating massive debts is going to stop and/or minimize the recession that is coming. Unfortunately, the US government has a different point of view .... IMF urges Biden administration to cut spending, help Fed bring down inflation (Yahoo News).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

money supply ∝ useful productivity

anything else is theft, mismanagement and ruin