Friday, April 21, 2023

US Military Releases Declassified Video Of Fully Armed Russian Fighter Jets Intercepting U.S. Jets Over Syria


Daily Mail: US military releases declassified video of fully armed Russian fighter jets intercepting American jets over Syria on two separate occasions 

* One of the videos was recorded on Tuesday and shows high-res images 

* The two interceptions are part of a larger trend of Russian-US air conflict 

* Central Command has warned the war in Ukraine could spill into Syria 

US Central Command released videos Wednesday of Russian fighter jets intercepting American jets over Syria on two separate occasions, as tensions continue to escalate between the two nations. 

The videos show high-quality infrared views of a Russian Su-35 intercepting an American craft just a month after General Michael 'Erik' Kurilla, head of Central Command, said he's seen a spike in aggressive Russian activity. 

'We have seen a significant spike since about March 1 in Syria,' General Kurilla told the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 16.  

Read more .... 

Update #1: Russian Su-35 Encounters Over Syria Seen In Newly Declassified Videos (Warzone/The Drive) 

Update #2: Russia Ups Its Dangerous Behavior in Syria With ‘Unprofessional‘ Flying, Missile Shot at MQ-9 (Air & Space Forces Magazine)

WNU Editor: The Russian Ministry Of Defense is also accusing US forces are acting unprofessionally in Syria .... Russia protests over ‘provocative actions’ by US forces in Syria (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...

lol us dod pearl clutching

Anonymous said...

Noow, they want to be all credible after claiming they filmed alien space craft.

Anonymous said...

"coalition airspace" lmao

Anonymous said...

Washington Post: Ukraine planned attacks on Russian forces in Syria, leaked documents showed

Link to the author's twitter thread about it:


During planning in December, Ukrainian military intelligence officers considered training operatives of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the military force of Syria’s Kurdish-controlled autonomous northeast, to strike Russian targets and conduct “unspecified ‘direct action.'"

The document indicates that Turkey was aware of the planning, stating that Turkish officials “sought to avoid potential blowback” and suggested that Ukraine stage its attacks from Kurdish areas.

Turkey opposes the SDF and views its main military element, the YPG, as a terror group. A former U.S. official who worked in the region said Turkey may have allowed the Ukrainian plan to proceed hoping it would bait Russia into attacking the SDF.

fazman said...

Lol it would be Wagner engagement all over again, fly away comrade and live to lie another day

Anonymous said...

I know. Boo-hoo 😭

Anonymous said...

We all know this to be true.

Anonymous said...

Planning is not doing. If Russia invaded Ukraine, why can't Ukraine bomb or invade Russia?